My Surname Page
It's been along time, over two years now , since I have updated this page.....I appreciate all of the emails over the past 2 years. I apologize for not answering all of them. With all that has happened in the United States over the past two years and as busy as I have been working, I have had no time to devote to family research. There is much data here and you are all welcome to use it. I will try and update my site in the near future.
God Bless America......
Covering the following families of England, Ireland, France, New Brunswick, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Utah, North Carolina and Virginia.
Over 400 Years of Family History
When I first started this project it was easy, there was not alot of information. I have since aquired numerous photos and family histories from others, and now the project has become more complex. Please bare with me while I sort through and little by little update this page. I have all along tried to make this page easy to follow and will continue to do so.
Roy Davis
If you have any corrections to this page please email me. I would like to thank all of you who have emailed me...if I have failed to answer your email please send another my way.
The links with UP to the right of them are up and running.The other links will be up and running soon.
Use Ctrl F on your keyboard to find the names you are looking for as you browse these the future I will try to make it easier to find the names you are looking for.
You may not see the info you are looking for as I am constantly updating this site....please check back often.
Alot of these pages are plain with no backgrounds or anything appealing, I am just trying to get the information up at this point and will work on graphics later.
Moms (Estabrook and Deveau side)
Estabrooks of England, Maine, Massachusetts, and Canada. UP
Estabrooks beginning with Joseph A. Estabrooks of Enfield, England. UP
Hammonds of Massachusetts. UP
Maguire of Canada and Maine. UP (Family Treemaker file)
Mason of England and Massachusetts. UP
Gilman of England, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. UP
(In depth look at the History of the Gilmans) UP
Leavitt of England and Massachusetts. UP
Daniel of Massachusetts.
White of Maine.(Charles White) (Family Treemaker file) UP
Grant of Ireland and Maine. (Family Treemaker file) UP
Sappier (St Pierre) of Canada and Maine.
Deveau of France, Canada and Maine. UP
Dube of France, Quebec and New Brunswick.
(Family Treemaker file) UP
Ryse of England, beginning with Yan Ryse (Family Treemaker file) UP
Wells of England.
Glasher of England, Massachusetts, Maine and Canada. (Family Treemaker file) UP
Some of the Glasher info was contributed by Bob Glasier of Florida.
Dads Hasty and Davis side
Davis of Northampton County, North Carolina. (Nancy Davis Lineage) UP
Taylor of Northampton County, North Carolina. UP
Hasty of Northampton County, North Carolina. UP
Allen of Northampton County, North Carolina. UP
Davis of Virginia and Northampton County, North Carolina. (Edward Davis Sr. lineage) UP
Liles of Northampton County, North Carolina.
I thought I would try something new and put up some of my Family Tree Maker files. Click on any of the following to get a more in depth look. Some of the information may be repeated throughout this site as all the files lead to myself which is the objective for me, however you may find lots of information you can use. Some of these files are quite large so you may want to print them out and incorporate them into your tree.
Dads (Hasty and Davis side)
Family Treemaker files
These files would not be possible without the help of all my Kin in Northampton and Halifax Counties North Carolina.
Descendants of : Nathaniel Thomas Allen of Northampton Co. N.C. UP
Descendants of: Edward Davis Sr. of Isle of Wight Co. Va. Updated 03 April 2001
Descendants of: Nicholas Tynes or Tyner of Isle of Wight Co. Va. UP
information provided by Teri Pope Golden of Florida
Descendants of: Michel DesLoges of Northampton Co. N.C. UP
Descendants of: Henry Lyles of Surry Co. Va.
Henry is not proven at this time but the names that follow his have been. UP
Descendants of: Benjamin Johnson of Northampton Co. N.C. Some of the information on Benjamin Johnson was submitted by AnnMarie Piland of Virginia UP
Descendants of: Thomas Sykes Sr. of England . UP
Descendants of: Jacob Powell of Northampton Co. N.C. UP
Descendants of William Taylor of Northampton Co. N.C. UP
Still looking at which Taylor line this is.
Descendants of Samuel T. Hasty of Northampton Co. N.C. UP
Is Samuel T. Hasty Wesley Hasty's Brother?
Descendants of Wesley Hasty of Northampton Co. N.C. UP
Descendants of Stephen Piland of Virginia. UP
With the help of AnnMarie Piland of Virginia.
Descendants of John Davis of Northampton Co. N.C. UP
Which Davis line is this?
Other Items of interest
The Confederate Soldier (1861-1865)UP
The Will of Francis Deloatch (1770)UP
Michel DesLoges (Circa 1645) UP
The story of the USS UnderHill DE-682 UP
The Hammond name and its origin UP
The Hammonds of Marblehead, Massachusetts UP
Do you know who Prince Estabrooks was?
stay tuned!!!!
Moms (Estabrook and Deveau side)
Family Treemaker files
Descendants of Joseph A. Estabrook of Suffolk, England UP
Descendants of: Robert Daniel of England. This line of the Daniel family will lead into William Howard Tafts family. I have not updated this file yet to show that. UP
Descendants of: John Everett of Bedfordshire, England Updated 03 April 2001
Information submitted by Dorothy Taylor of Massachusetts and Jim O'Brien of Florida.
Descendants of: Edward Gilman of Hingham, England UP
Descendants of: Philip Hammond of Marblehead, Mass. UP
Descendants of: Capt. Hugh Mason of Maulden, England UP
Descendants of George Emerson of Rysome Manor Hollington, Yorkshire, England....This Emerson line is the Ipswich line which will lead into Ralph Waldo Emerson and also William Howard Taft our 27th Presidnt. If your a Glasier and or descended from Hammond Estabrook Sr. You may find this and interesting line. UP
Descendants of Thomas Desvaux of Normandy, France Updated 03 April 2001
A big thanks goes out to Diane Devost who provided much needed information on the Devost Family...Also Harvey Devost for his contribution to this surname.
Descendants of Thomas White of Hempstead, Nassau, New York. This White line is the line that married into the Grants(Bernice Leone Grant or Grammys line) UP
Descendants of William(UEL) Day of New Jersey UP
Descendants of Alexander Scott of Onslow, Nova Scotia UP
My Thank you Page UP
Any information you might have on any of the above families please drop me an email.
Keep checking back for new information.
My Links Page
(my personal bookmarks)UP
As you browse back in time you will notice many different Flags from around the world. In case you can't remember your flag history......
Hope you will find what you are looking for.
Please feel free to