THIS ONE I WROTE - FOR OUR GRANDSON - "LITTLE FRANKIE" ....... killed in an accident at age 5 ......1992 He was so beautiful.


God gave us a garden through seeds of His love
He watered it daily with showers from above
Each flower was perfect, He made it that way
As He watered and nourished His garden each day

When the weeds would creep in to destroy His earth
He would pull them right out so new flowers could birth
These plants were his children and He loved them so
His joy was to watch all of His children grow

With the pass of each day He would watch very close
The wonder and beauty of this seasonal host
Of the flowers in the garden that He kissed every day
Which ones would grow tall, Which ones would stay

Well, today was the day he had set in His plan
One flower had flourished so bright and so grand
"It's so perfect" He said as he walked past the rest
"I'll call this one my own, for it truly has blessed"

Yes, God picked a flower from the garden of love
He said , "Come, live with me in my home up above"
Now, the heavens are brighter with a beauty so true
"Come live in my home, precious child, I picked you".

(And Jesus said... "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God".)


We lost another little Angel in 1994 - "ALLIE" - age 2 ..Domestic violence KILLS .....Scroll on down, clik, and read "AN OBSERVATION OF LOVE, IN SILVER: AND BLUE"...a Published Poem - It's about my husband, and my observation of him, saying "See you later, Little One". His comments in my guestbook brought tears to my eyes. I LOVE YOU JERRY..Thank you.

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