Discover Dogs Magazine

Crufts '97


Brackenridge Kennels Online, Check out their awesome web site, features info on all their dogs, results and cool links.[visit]

Hunters, Gundog Trainers look here, the Checkcord, cool Bird-dog and hunting ezine, get your questions answered here.[more]

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Last Updated:
Saturday, 12 September 1998


Article Library, check out the range of articles on trialling, training and showing.[click]

NZKC Breed Standard, have a look at the New Zealand Kennel Club Breed Standard for the GSP.[click]

Clubs & Breeders, listing of GSP and Gundog related clubs & GSP breeders in New Zealand.[click]

Membership, Join the Auckland & Regions GSP Club, with an online print-out form.[click]

Links, selection of cool links to other GSP, Gundog and doggy web sites.[click]

Site Development By Chris Lander
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