kitty and aquarium



kitty washing Hi, everyone! Soose here! Sooses have a certain philosophical point-of-view on a variety of different subjects. We HAVE to! We are SOOSES! And although, most of our philosophy baffles most people, we find it quite logical. We call our philosophy "soose-isms" (what else?). Below, are some of our most common views on some different topics. Perhaps you'll be soose enough to understand them!

A "soose-ism" on "forgetfulness"--

"Well, don't worry. It probably wasn't what you thought it was--what ever it was you thought it would be, but wasn't because you forgot what it was."

A "soose-ism" on "procrastination" (new look at an old adage)--

"Never put off til tomorrow what you can do today--unless, of course, its yesterday, in which case this wouldn't apply, as today and tomorrow haven't occurred yet."

A "soose-ism" on "knowledge"--

"If you don't know something, how do you know you don't know unless you know that you don't know--you know?"

A "soose-ism" on "being silly"--

"Talk about being silly! Ok, let's talk about being silly. What is silly? How does one get to be silly? Is being silly just a state of mind, or does it have physical attributes? Is 'silly' the present tense of 'sally'? Or is 'she' ok?"

A "soose-ism" on "being" and "meing"--

"'Me' rhymes with 'be', and to 'be' must be 'me', for 'me' is 'be', and 'be' is 'me', see?"

A "soose-ism" on "here" and "there"--

"I'm here and you're there, so I can't be there if you're there, and you can't be here if I'm here; and I can't be there if I'm here, and you can't be here if you're there. So, stay there, so that I can stay here, or we'll NEVER get together!"

A "soose-ism" on the process of "doing"--

"You're off doing whatever it is you do when you're doing it, unless you're not doing it. Then you're not doing whatever it is you're doing because you're not doing it, and don't want to do it."

A "soose-ism" on "missing 'it'" (submitted by Linda Olmstead)--

"How do you know what you missed if you missed it, and if you did know, then you wouldn't have missed it, would you?"

A "soose-ism" on "hearing a 'soose'": This is a "twist" on an old saying (submitted by Poppa and Momma Mayer)--

"If a soose falls in the woods, and no one is there to soose it, does a soose really make a soose when a soose falls?"


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