Hi everyone, my name is Linda Corbett, nice to meet you, and glad you stopped by. I live in Columbus,Ohio I was born here and have lived here every since. I'm also a Ohio State Buckeye's Fan, the 1997 Rose Bowl Champs!
As a child, I spent most of my summers in the hills of West Virginia with my Grandparents. They had 350 acres, all of which I covered running barefoot or riding my horse. They had all the "barnyard" animals, pigs, cows, sheep, chickens. I rode my horse to the candy store almost everyday.I loved riding, still do. I would sneak my favorite black-faced lamb in the house to "keep him warm at night" until Grandpa caught me! My most funniest story is I hated drinking "cow's milk" I would only drink "store milk One day I was out riding my horse and stopped to visit our neighbor. He knew that I wouldn't drink cow's milk too! He told me he agreed with me, that it was awful tasting, but he had a "magic bull" that had very good tasting milk. I tried it and loved it. From that day on, my Grandpa gave me only milk that came from our neighbors "magic bull"!!! Today, I still love animals, and riding horses.

I have two children out on their own, Misty and Rodney. I also have a grandson "Tyler Jay" He was born Oct.30,1997. I have a cat, "Smokie" and a Min. Schnauzer, "Simba".

I work for General Motors., making door locks. I have been there twenty one years. My husband John,better known as JC or "bootz" worked with me at GM, but has since retired as of summer of 1997.

We own a Sony WebTV Internet appliiance. We bought it in Nov.96'. We have been online and "hooked" every since! John has a great homepage he created, check out J.C'S Leaping List Of Links.

One of my favorite things is gardening. I enjoy planting things and watching them grow. I add new perenials each year to my yard. I enjoy being out in the yard. We have woods and a creek behind our house and get lots of critters running around too. It's really relaxing to sit out on the deck listening to the water, birds singing and dogs bark. oops! that's not the relaxing sounds! I'm like the child playing outside, after work, I'm out in the yard untill John calls me in for supper!

John is the primary "chief cook" here, however, I like trying different recipes. I also have some recipes that are favorites, and the family has me make when they come to visit. I will share these on my recipe page, so check back later.

I also enjoy country music. I grew up listening to bluegrass and country/western music. Every Sat. morning my mom would crank up the hi-fi record player with Chet Atkins, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Buck Owens, Conway Twitty, Charley Pride, Roy Clark, and we would clean the house, singing and dancing! Today, if I'm at work, cleaning house, or out in the yard, I still listen to all the oldies, along with all my favorites of today's artists. I love em' all! Music plays a big part in my life and I like "all" kinds, I listen to different types according to my moods. My other favorite is jazz, that's my relaxing music, It's great sitting out back on my deck listening to the birds, frogs and animals intermingled with soft soothing jazz, it's like creating your own "nature sounds".

Now that you know a little about me, don't be a stanger, come back and visit anytime. Feel free to e-mail me, I enjoy meeting and helping others! Linda Corbett, aka Mzbootz :-)
Visit my PHOTO GALLERY to see more about me.

Linda D.Corbett

This Page Was Last Revised 10/6/98
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