Projects undertaken by ATG
Attawapiskat First Nation Aggregate
Connection Project
Moose Factory, Ont.
Capital Cost: $121,000
Project No.: A97003
Client: Weeneebayko
General Hospital
Box 664
Moose Factory, Ontario
P0L 1W0
Contact: Mr. Dave Gunner, Facilities Manager
ATG was contracted by the Weeneebayko General Hospital to design a watermain connection to the existing water distribution system. Low pressures and fire flows were creating problems and hindering development on some parts of the Island. Reviewing information from a hydraulic analysis completed by RAL Engineering/Verners Technical Services in 1995, ATG designed 500m of 250mm dia. watermain to correct these problems. Subsequent testing showed that upon completion of this project, fire flows and water pressure met acceptable standards.
Key Participants:
Jamie Hawken, P.Eng.
Project Engineer,
Mike Faries, C.E.T. Project Manager,
Connie Gordon CAD Technician,
Jeremy Landry Survey
First Nation Aggregate Report
Attawapiskat, Ontario
Capital Cost: $21,000
Implementation: 1998
Project No.: A98002
Client: Attawapiskat
First Nation, Tech. Services
P.O. Box 248
Attawapiskat, Ontario
P0L 1A0
Contact: Mike Gull, C.E.T.
In January 1998, ATG was contracted by the Attawapiskat First Nation (AFN) to undertake a aggregate site investigation and report. This project consisted of reviewing background information, on site topographic surveys and sampling, lab analysis, and a report. This report was required to assist the AFN in submitting an application to OMNR to extract gravel for their infrastructure requirements.
Key Participants:
Mike Faries, C.E.T. Project Manager,
Don Pederson, P. Eng. Project Engineer,
Bill Praskey Field Technologist
Post First Nation Terms of Reference for a Health Centre
New Post First Nation
Capital Cost: $400,000
Implementation: 1998
Project No.: A98002
Client: New Post First
RR #2, Box 3310
New Post, Ontario
P0L 1C0
Contact: Nina Archibald, Housing Department
In January 1998, ATG was contracted by the New Post First Nation (NPFN) to develop a terms of reference for a Health Centre. This document will be used to assist in the NPFN tendering out a Request for Proposals for Architectural Services. Once this project is complete, the health facility will provide basic on-reserve medical services thereby eliminating the need to travel 20 km into the nearest town.
Key Participants:
Mike Faries, C.E.T. Consultant,
Roger Fennell Fennell Architect
Cree First Nation 21 Lot Subdivision Project
Moose Factory, Ont.
Capital Cost: $400,000
Project No.: A98003
Client: Moose Cree
First Nation
Box 190
Moose Factory, Ontario
P0L 1W0
Contact: Mr. Les Jolly, Director of Public Works, Moose Cree First Nation
ATG was contracted by the Moose Cree First Nation (MCFN) to carry out the design of a 21 lot subdivision. This project involved a site survey using a total station and design was done with Softdesk Civil/Survey Software (CAD). Extension of roads, gravity sewers, and watermains are a part of this project. The contractor for this work is the Moose Band Development Corporation. This project will allow the MCFN to have 21 fully serviced lots by the fall, and enable them to construct houses for band members.
Key Participants:
Mike Faries, C.E.T. Project Manager,
Connie Gordon CAD Technician
Cree First Nation Trailer Park Planning and Design
Missinabie Cree Reserve
Capital Cost: $410,000
Project No.: A98004
Client: Missinabie Cree
First Nation
RR #4, Hwy. 17E, Bells Point
Garden River, Ontario
P6A 5K9
Contact: Mr. Norm Hardisty, Mushkegowuk Tribal Council
Mushkegowuk Tribal Council contracted ATG to submit a preliminary design and cost estimate for this trailer park project. The drawings and estimates were used by the Missinabie Cree First Nation to assist in their land lease application with the province of Ontario.
Key Participants:
Mike Faries, C.E.T. Project Manager,
Jamie Hawken, P.Eng. Project Engineer
Cree First Nation Mapping Project
Moose Factory, Ont.
Capital Cost: $30,000
Project No.: A98005
Client: Moose Cree
First Nation
Box 190
Moose Factory, Ontario
P0L 1W0
Contact: Mr. Dave Fletcher, Project Coordinator, Moose Cree First Nation
ATG was contracted by the Moose Cree First Nation (MCFN), to update its maps from a mapping project that was completed in 1993. This project encompasses the Moose Cree Traditional Territory and includes information on harvesting areas as well as historical data. This mapping will eventually be used in a GIS system that will be implemented by the MCFN.
Key Participants:
Mike Faries, C.E.T. Project Manager,
Connie Gordon CAD Technician