Theologians Comment on Azusa
G. Campbell Morgan described the Azusa Street activities as "the last vomit of Satan."
List of quotes from Leaders of Conterfeit Revival Movements
This page includes quotes from: A.A. Allen, John Arnott, John Avanzini, William Branham, Paul Cain, Charles Capps, Morris Cerullo, Paul Yonggi Cho, Randy Clark, Jack Coe, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch, Jack Deere,
Kenneth Hagin, Marilyn Hickey, Steve Hill, Benny Hinn, Rodney Howard-Browne, Rick Joyner, Essek Kenyon,
John Kilpatrick, Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee Semple McPherson, Earl Paulk, Fred Price, Oral Roberts, Pat
Robertson, Robert Tilton, and John Wimber.