Print this activity out twice if possible.
Check the career fields that interest you
whether you know much about them or not.
Have someone who knows you well add their opinion about you
on the other copy. Then add up your scores below and compare.
Next click here to see a few jobs for each personality trait.

1. Work on a farm or help save a rainforest.
2. Solve complicated math problems.
3. Act in a movie or play.
4. Study social groups in society.
5. Interview strangers for the TV news.
6. Learn about and study the economy.
7. Study "how-to" mechanics manuals.
8. Perform science lab experiments.
9. Manage an art gallery.
10. Conduct a religious service.
11. Bargain at a flea market.
12. Write up graphs or charts with statistics.
13. Build cabinets or furniture.
14. Study nature outdoors or trace the effects
of pollution on the environment.
15. Write a movie screenplay.
16. Lead a club or scout troop.
17. Buy merchandise for a store.
18. Work nine to five in a corporate office.
19. Operate heavy machines.
20. Play chess.
21. Work on art or music magazine.
22. Get involved in a charity or
community organization.
23. Do fast-paced, high-pressure sales work.

24. Design computer games and programs.
25. Work outside in a national park.
26. Research a law case.
27. Play a musical instrument.
28. Work with babies or children.
29. Run for class office.
30. Work after school to save money.
31. Set up a stereo system.
32. Read science fiction.
33. Write a short story, play or novel.
34. Entertain at a party.
35. Work in a politician's office.
36. Enter documents into compters.
37. Build a jet aircraft model.
38. Use an electron microscope or
high-tech medical instrument.
39. Design a new line of clothes.
40. Read and discuss literature.
41. Debate political and social
issues on TV.
42. Keep accurate records of a business.
43. Repair a car engine.
44. Identify constellations of stars.
45. Take pottery classes.
46. Work with senior citizens.
47. Sell products on commission.
48. Set up a budget for running a large company or government agency.

Below circle the numbers that you checked off.
Count the number of circles in each line.
Then put that total number of circles in the
blank space at the end of each line.
Compare what you picked against what your friend picked.


Doers 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43
Investigators 2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44
Artists 3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45
Helpers 4 10 16 22 28 34 40 46
Enterprisers 5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47
Detailers 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48



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