Comet Hale-Bopp Photos - March/April 1997
Kodak Royal Gold 1000 film with a Pentax K1000 50 mm lens
piggybacked on a B&L Criterion 4000 4" Schmidt Cassegrain. 60
second exposure at f1.7. Taken in Douglas, Texas on March 28, 1997.
This image is cropped and blown up. Original was similar to the
images below.
Another Kodak Royal Gold 1000 film , Pentax K1000 with a 50 mm
lens piggybacked on a B&L Criterion 4000 4" Schmidt Cassegrain. 60
second exposure at f1.7. Taken in Douglas, Texas on March 28, 1997.
Another Kodak Royal Gold 1000 film , Pentax K1000 with a 50 mm
lens piggybacked on a B&L Criterion 4000 4" Schmidt Cassegrain. 60
second exposure at f1.7. Taken in Douglas, Texas on March 28, 1997.
Another Kodak Royal Gold 1000 film , hand guided by Tim Broertjes
with a 50 mm lens. 60 second exposure at f1.7. Taken in Saratoga,
Texas on April 3, 1997.
Any comments? Send them to
Dean McClelland
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Last updated March 1, 1998
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