Indentifying Valuables

     Marking your valuables for further identification, is one way of retrieving the items that are stolen.

      If the unforeseen ever happens, having a list of valuables that are marked will come in handy for the police to recover those items for you. If the thief gets caught, you can claim your items by the markings you made on them.

      First, mark all your valuables with an engraver. The markings should be your drivers licence number ( with your state's initials in front of the number ) or your social security number. This is known as Operation ID. It's easier for the police to track a licence number than it is a social security number. Using a engraver will prevent the thief from removing the markings. If you use a peel off sticker or permanent marker, he will be able to remove it to easy. I know what your saying, the thief can alter the engraved markings on them also, but they are out to sell it very quickly and normally won't take the time to etch something else on it.. You can purchase an engraver at just about any department store or hardware store, for as little as $10. It's very easy to use and you'll probably have fun tracking down all your valuables in the house.

      Second, take an inventory of the things you mark. List the manufactures name, name of item, model number, serial number and when you purchased it. Keep this on a floppy disk and store it away in a safe place for future reference, preferably a safe or safety security box. If the unforeseen ever takes place, you'll have a copy of the items that are missing, for the police. They have computers also. So if your "sweetheart" ( computer ) was included in the items missing, you'll have a chance to retrieve it. Another way of doing this is to take pictures of the items you have marked. On the back of the photo you can mark the serial number and model number of that particular item. If you have a video camera, you can use that also. Describe the item your filming with it's serial number and model number.

      Third, mark all your valuables such as, TV, VCR, watch, camera, answering machine, phone, and of coarse your "sweetheart", etc. Jewelry is hard to mark, so keep all the heirlooms in a safe.

      There is a lot of cases where the thief was caught in another state, and the merchandise was never returned to the rightful owner because the police could not identify it. If you have not done this already, *do it now*! You could have your house boarded up like Fort Knox, but if someone wants to get in they will find a way. People that have alarm systems feel that they are safeguarded against everything. WRONG ! There was a case in my own neighborhood were a house had a security system installed, and the burglar cut the phone line. Well, a lot of good that system did without a call out. Most of your security systems are hard wired in to the phone line. I have a security system and a dog, but I'm still taking precautions to protect my interests to the fullest. After all, you paid for the merchandise. Why let a stranger have them for free!


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