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Welcome to Pack 277


We just had our crossover celebration. And what a wonderful event it was. Take a look a  the pictures that we have of our boys. We are very proud of each and every one of them and hope that they continue to have a grand time scouting over the years.

  .wpe1.jpg (18994 bytes)These are our Tiger Scouts crossing over to Wolves. They will have a lot to do over the next twelve months

  wpe4.jpg (155163 bytes)Our Wolves were very proud to be moving up to Bears and looking forward to getting their whittling chits and going camping.

  wpe6.jpg (139266 bytes)Our Bears are now Webelos and this is our largest group. They will be taking more responsibility and making more decisions concerning their scouting activities. We wish them all the best in achieving not only their Webelos badge but their arrow of light as well.

  I’m sorry to say I don’t have a picture of our Web ones becoming Web twos, but they were very excited as you could tell from all the smiling faces.

  wpe8.jpg (153285 bytes) And sadly but with great pride we send our Web twos off to become Boy Scouts in grand style.

 wpeA.jpg (143722 bytes)Akela was very serious and diligent in his job of guiding our scouts and we thank him very much. A special thank you also goes to the Order of the Arrow for once again making our crossover ceremony very special.

wpeC.jpg (79649 bytes) The Bridge that they crossed was built by the leaders and was a work of art.

wpeE.jpg (99130 bytes)I’m sure none of the boys will every forget their crossover ceremony.

wpe10.jpg (113126 bytes)And as always our Arrow of Light was spectacular.

  Congratulations to all the Scouts for a job well done, and thank you to all the parents, leaders, and families. For without your efforts none of this would be possible.