Our Home & Family Pictures

My growing up pictures as a young girl in Juneau, Alaska.. My sister Bev made a collage of all the old pictures she found in boxes after she put my Mother in the Sitka Pioneers Home. I had moved to Ketchikan so was unable to help with the sorting of her belongings. Be patient, it takes a minute for the pictures to pop up.

Daughter Leslie Ann Waddell and her children, Raven Victoria (the oldest); Casey Alexander, the only boy; and the twins Rhianna Sophia and Carly Lorraine. The picture taken at Christmas time 1992.

A visit to Solvang, CA with daughter Leslie and grandson Casey in 1991.

Salmon Derby in Juneau in 1995. Leslie got a crab and Scott lost a huge fish that would have been a derby winner. We all boohooed.

Scott sent this clipping to me from The Boat Broker of July 1996. It says: Boat Broker Photo of the Month ~ Scott Hildre with 43lb. King caught on Memorial Day at Tee Harbor on the "Hundy $ Killer", a real line burner. Send us a photo! We love to get pictures from our readers. Kids, Big Fish, Wildlife, or juat a good day on the water enjoying Southeast Alaska.

The view out of my office window of the downtown Ketchikan waterfront with the Star Princess in port, taken before I retired in 1993. I made the stained glass butterfly hanging in the window a few years before.

The twins visiting in Ketchikan and standing under the eagle statue downtown across the street from my office.

A view of our deck and the waterfront from our living room. Cruise ships pass here, sometimes five or six per day bringing over 25,000 people a day and filling the harbor with ships and the downtown with tourists.

Our deck in the summer with all the wonderful flowers and sunshine. Rains over thirteen feet a year in Ketchikan.

This is a picture of my friend Linda Inglis and I when I flew down to Phoenix to visit her. She and her husband Dick had just moved to Sun City from Ketchikan. She also went to Las Vegas with me the year before when I bought our precious Lucky. Linda is on the right.

This is Elzie when he was in the service in Germany in the 1950s.

The Isley Family. A picture of Elzie and his six brothers and sister. Above is Mac, Arleigh, Allan, Manford and Nate. Below is Calvin, Elzie and John. They were all born in Enterprise, Oregon and lived in Joseph six miles away and earlier on a ranch up on the "Divide". This picture was taken in 1996 at Arleigh's ranch on Imnaha Highway. They are a very active and interesting family with wonderful stories to tell of their childhood and adventures. Arleigh just retired as the County Judge and rancher, Mac sells petroleum products, Manford is a rancher, Nate was a real estate agent and county assessor, Calvin sells wood, Elzie is a retired logger, construction worker and bus driver and owns his own sporting firearms business and John (the youngest) runs a fish hatchery.

Now deceased ex-husband Bob Hildre with our two boys, Arnie and Scott, at Christmas 1969 on Tuxekan Island when Bob's company was building logging roads for the Ketchikan Pulp Company. We had a wonderful life out there.