Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Welcome to my page devoted to CAH!

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

It is my hope that you will find useful information, networking contacts, and support. The information you find here is not intended to be a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please question your personal doctor for any clarification or changes that you seek.

CAH Networking Form

Please check the CAH Networking Page! You will find a form to submit information about your family. All information will be compiled together and then a Networking List will be sent to all participants. Check it out!

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You are the visitor since November 16, 1997

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New Parents  |  Communicating With Each Other | Family Websites | Support Groups

Organizations | Medications | Readings

For New Parents of CAH!!!

New Parent Page
Some parents have taken the time to share their suggestions for new parents.
I hope you will find the kind of practical information you need to go along with the medical advice you recieve from your child's endocrinologist.

Submissions are welcome anytime! I plan to add to this site as I recieve the ideas from others.

Communicating With Each Other

Carlton Family CAH Message Board
This newer board has been established and is most current

CAH Message Board
This original message board still contains older messages and might have information relevant to you. However, I encourage any new questions to be posted at the Carlton Family CAH Message Board

CAH Chatroom
Added on 12/7/98, this room is intended for Visitors to the Message Board to have an EASY TO ACCESS place to conduct a Real-time chat with others.

Family Websites

Carlton Family Webpage
Danny has many links not listed here. ;-)

Jacob's CAH Page
Come see the beautiful faces of some of the children that we, at the message board, often speak about!

Support Groups

Australian CAH Support Group Homepage

MUMS National Parent-to-Parent Network

MAGIC Foundation

Family Village


National Adrenal Diseases Foundation
Additional fact sheet available online about CAH.
Also has Kid Penpal Network, International Support Groups, and more

National Organization for Rare Disorders,Inc.
Lists seven other organizations to contact

The Endocrine Society




from Rx List

from Medicinet

from Rx List

from Medicinet

Abstracts and Further Reading

Case Study of Six Year Old with Precocious Puberty
This follows the procedure of diagnosing this child with CAH, i.e., testing, etc.

Newborn Screening Table
Please note that this list needs updating

Women’s Health Update: Androgens and Women’s Health
by Tori Hudson, N.D.
Note the second and third reference for further reading on CAH

Shock and Sepsis

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