In honor of Patches being such a clown, the music is Clown by Kabalevsky

Kiyanna's Silver Bullet

Welcome, Patches!

Patches was a Valentine's present from Johnny to me. He's a most welcome addition to our household & is quite the little clown! Everytime he sees you, even if it's been 5 mins. since he last saw you, he acts like you walk on water & he's missed you sooooo much! *G* It's precious!

These pictues are from March...and you can tell, he's grown tons since Super Bowl weekend when we brought him home! And, yes, that is the SAME stroller he was too little for not even 1 1/2 mos. before!

Daddy says boy dogs don't wear no stinkin' bows in their hair. Well, Mom said I needed something so...

Our pages
Meet the Andersons Kimmie's & Brianna's page Brianna's page
Johnny's page My page Kimmie's page
Brianna's recital Kimmie's recital Brianna's portrait session...Too cute!
Backgrounds & more Friendship page Glimmer's page
Spike & Mo Koko Gautier Elem., our school!