Yahoo Canadas Pick of the Week
November 7 through
13, 1997...

Hi, glad you dropped by,

The Gulf News ~ August 21, 2000

Floor of fish plant collapses in Ramea

Residents of Ramea thought they might have to evacuate the community last week after a floor section of the fish plant collapsed into the harbour.

Concern was raised when it was believed that the five plate freezers might topple and cut

the hoses leading to a tank filled with 8,000 pounds of ammonia. The floor section was 20 meters by 20 meters in size.

However, emergency co- ordinator Wilfred Cutler said that the ammonia was safely

pumped out of the tank. Efforts to remove the ammonia from the island in tanker trucks did run into some problems but officials hoped to have the job finished last week.

Mr. Cutler said the 50-year-old plant has been deteriorating

and needs repair. The part of the fish plant with the collapsed floor will have to be torn down

The plant was last used in 1998, but Mr. Cutler said prior to the collapse on August 14 it was functional.

While your here look around at the many photo albums, you'll see the beauty that such a small island town has to offer. Let's celebrate and wish her well in the new Millennium

For information on Bill Crant's book Finding your Ancestors in Newfoundland and Labrador, and other items available from HERITAGE PRODUCTIONS; please

A Guide to the link graphics:

If you wish to visit the town look at my Unofficial Guide.

In keeping with the Come Home Year Theme
"Keeping Our Memories Alive"

Ramea's Ship Cove in the mid 1950's

Hi folks, since you dropped by please take a minute and leave a small note in the guest book.

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Click on the M/V Gallipoli for the Ramea-Burgeo-Grey River Ferry Service schedule...

Hey we have a sister site Burgeo on the WWW.

and to complete the sailing, yes Grey River on the WWW.

Have a look for your ancestors in Ramea Newfoundland

Hutchinson's Ramea Islands for 1864 - 65
Lovell's Ramea Islands for 1871
McAlpines Ramea 1894 to 1897
McAlpines Ramea 1898.
McAlpines Ramea 1904
The 1921 Census for Ramea and Ramea S.W.
Newfoundland's Grand Banks, Genealogy & History

Other items of Interest

Ramea's fascinating History
Wordplay's Ramea Pages.
Jim Marsden speaks out against Relocation.
Bill Crant's Newfoundland and Nova Scotia Outdoor Pages.
A Crant Story.
Newfoundland and Genealogy Links.
A little more Ramea.
Lionel Keeping's Home Page.
Bill Crant's Newfoundland Photo Gallery.
Mike Carroll's Home Page.
Sheri Fiander's 'ome Page. NEW !!!
Ramea's Town Council Page.
Richard Young's Family and Newfoundland Photo Album.
The Four Winds Tourist Home

Ramea's Photo Albums

Flo Young's'Ramea Photo Album of Scenery.
Ramea's Photo Album of People
Ramea's Photo Album of Heritage.
Ramea's Photo Album of Heritage - Page 2.
Ramea's Photo Album of Tragedies.
Another Ramea Photo Album of Scenery.
Jen Carter's Ramea Photo Album.
George McDonald's Ramea and White Bear Bay Photo Album.
Take a look and see how to get to Ramea.
Stephen Crants guide to the Nor'west portion of Ramea
Jen Cater's, Meet the Carter and Meade Clan..
Ramea Christmas's to be Remembered SEASONAL !!!

St. Boniface, all Grade has prepaed a home page, click on the school crest to visit it.

Here's the New St. Boniface All Grade

Want to contact an old friend, meet new friends, their e-mail address may be located here.

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I extend a special thanks to Carl and Flo Young for providing many of the pictures on this page!

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© Bill Crant April 2 1997, Updated March 17, 2000.

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