Puerto Rico's Flag a-starsngl.gif (2858 bytes)


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This is the Puerto Rican flag.

It looks a lot like the Cuban flag but the colors were inverted.

This flag was first used in December,22, 1895 to represent “The Borinquen Club” in New York, and it’s still been used as our national symbol. In 1898 the flag became the mark of resistance to the US Invasion,the lone star was the "guide of the patriots".

When PR became a Commonwealth in 1952, it was officially adopted as our national flag.




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The sheep represents Jesus Christ.

The red book, is the book of eternal life.

The letters F & I are for Fernando and Isabel, Spain’s King and Queen at that time.

And the words “Joannes est nomen EJVS” means “ And Juan is its name”.

Because that was the name of the island in the beginning: San Juan Bautista.

The lions are the De Leon Kingdom, and the towers represent the Castilla Kingdom.

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