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Bimmer the dog

Here are a couple of pictures of our toy fox terrier named Bimmer.  He's the very best dog in the world!

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(He does like to climb on the couch though...)

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(This is his favorite spot... the GREEN blanket!)

See Bimmer as "Fire Dog" for Halloween '98!

...And his new brother Cozmo!

   We picked up Cozmo on Saturday January 23rd.  He has been a wonderful addition to our home.  He is a rescue TFT.   He's a happy guy now though in his new home!

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Here's a great shot of the Coz!  He is a perfect 7lbs.

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Here's a shot of Cozmo and Bimmer together.  You can see how much larger Bimmer is at 13lbs.  They are slowly getting used to each other ;)


Toy Fox Terrier Ring!   This Toy Fox Terrier Ring site owned by >Jason Lile.
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