Skeeter happens to be an English Springer Spaniel and she happens to be aggressive. This is not true for all Springers or even for most of them. Springer Spaniels are truly wonderful and charming dogs. They are generally intelligent, biddable, and beautiful. Springers make exciting hunting, obedience, and tracking dogs as well as faithful and enjoyable companions and are thrilling to watch in the conformation ring.

Following are some internet links so that you can learn more about these terrific animals:

  • English Springer Spaniel FAQ

  • ESS-L
    "is a list for people who love the English Springer Spaniel breed. People from all over the world are welcomed--while the list primarily consists of people from the USA, people from everywhere are encouraged and VERY welcome--we want all points of view!"
    To subscribe: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU leave "subject" blank and type "subscribe ESS-L" in the message area.
    If you have any questions, please contact the listowner: Michelle Givens

  • *Hoflin Publishing EnglishSpringer-H
    email list, send a message to with a blank subject line and a message that says: SUBSCRIBE EnglishSpringer-H
    For questions, contact the EnglishSpringer-H moderator: Sharon Parker

    *To subscribe to the Spanie-L mailing list, for people who own any breed of spaniel, send a message to: LISTSERV@VMA.CC.ND.EDU with a blank subject line and a message that says, only: SUBSCRIBE SPANIE-L firstname lastname
    Questions to listowner, Ruth G

    This Springer Spaniel ring site is owned by
    Nancy A. Charest.

    Want to join the Springer Spaniel Ring?
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