Welcome to My Cat Box!

The Rail
Take a ride on the FeLine!
The FeLine is laying down tracks all across the internet...hop on board!

Hello! My name is Sophie and I'd like to welcome you to my homepage! I'm an adorable (if I do say so myself) cat of mixed genetic origin.(Some might call me a mutt...what do they know...) The human I own, who I love to pieces, especially when she lets me sleep on her face, has helped me put together some fun and interesting things for you other cats to pass on to the people you own!

What, you dont think I did this page on my own?Click here to see me at work!

But before we go on, you really must take some time to admire me. I really do love to be the center of attention, you know!

Here are my brand new set of portraits! I'm so photogenic, don't you agree?

These lovely pictures were taken by the wonderful folks at Kinderfoto!

Look! Look! Look!

You have to see this! This is my bestest little friend Tasha on the Purina Kitten Chow box! I'm not saying you have to eat the stuff, but I have to brag about my friend! She's on lots of stuff, but we all know when you get a cat chow box, thats the big time!

Okay, my human and I moved to take care of my grandma's house and her cats. And right according to schedule, Winkie and Cinder are wrapped around my paws! Here's a picture of my two new friends. Look closely and you'll see how Winkie got her name. If you want a larger view, click on their picture.

I have all kinds of friends, and not all of them are cats! Click here to go see them...

One more thing before we get to the good stuff! I would like to say a few words on behalf of all my kitty cousins!

We may be independent, but we rely on you to make sure we have safe and happy homes!! Please take some time to find out what things are good for me, and the many things that aren't, like some of the most common house plants. And even though there are lots of my cousins who need homes, they need good homes where the people they own will take extra good care of them. Oh, and one last thing, spoiling us rotten doesnt hurt, either!

And Now On To The Good Stuff! These are some of my favorite links! If you'd like to add yours, just drop me a note! My human reads all my fan mail to me!


Are you a cat lover? Click here and be counted!

Go see my human's page!

Awards I've Won...

Web Rings I've Joined!

This page is dedicated to my soulmate, PeanutSchwarz

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