My boy Judge!
Judge's Photo Album

On 12-05-01 I held my boy for the last time, after surgery and 6 weeks of being unable to walk or stand, CVI (Wobbler's Disease) took my baby. Judge changed me forever and I will always hold him as the standard of a truely great Doberman.


This is my 2 year old nephew, he loves me. I like it that we see eye to eye.

My album wouldn't be complete without a picture of me and my "sissy". Athena (left) is my sister. She is a rescue dobe and we can't do anything without each other.


Me giving Daddy some of my
"dober love".


This is Athena, Mom and me trying to look cool.

Here I am in my doberteens and confused. Can I chew on paper or not? Geez Dad, make up your mind!



Check out my cute butt!