Click on the item name for a description.
Melee Weapons
Item Burden Value
Iron Acid Dirk
163 6890
Acid Dirk
Material: Iron
Workmanship: 8
Damage 12 - 24
Attack Bonus 8%
Speed 31
Requires 370 Dagger to Wield

Iron Acid Dirk, (8) craft (Iron), 12-24 Acid, att +8% def +14%, speed 31 : Major Coordination, Blood Drinker VI, Cragstone's Will. Dif 78, Sho Only, (activate) Dagger of 303, (wield) Dagger of 370, Value 6,890, 163BU

Ivory Nekode
104 3227
Material: Ivory
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 3
Damage 6 - 19
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[S]
Attack Bonus 9%
Speed 16
Requires 350 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Ivory Nekode, (3) craft (Ivory) SlashR (1Tinks), 6.46-19 Slashing, att +9% def +19%, speed 16 : Blood Drinker VI, Heart Seeker VI. Dif 53, Sho Only, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 274, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 350, Value 3,227, 104BU
Imbued By: Mis Adventure
Pyreal Frost Cestus
62 18395
Frost Cestus of Endurance
Material: Pyreal
Tinkered 6 Times
Workmanship: 6
Damage 14 - 31
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[C]
Attack Bonus 12%
Speed 17
Requires 400 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Pyreal Frost Cestus, (6) craft (Pyreal) ColdR (6Tinks), 13.95-31 Cold, att +12% def +20%, speed 17 : Defender VI, Endurance Self VI, Blood Drinker VI. Dif 46, Aluvian Only, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 246, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 400, Value 18,395, 62BU
Imbued By: Mis Adventure
Ivory Flaming Nekode
106 8661
Flaming Nekode
Material: Ivory
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 6
Damage 9 - 23
Special Attributes
Imbue: AR
Attack Bonus 11%
Speed 16
Requires 400 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Ivory Flaming Nekode, (6) craft (Ivory) ArmourR (1Tinks), 9.2-23 Fire,, Magic-D +1% att +11% def +17%, speed 16 : Defender VI, Blood Drinker V. Dif 0, Sho Only, Rank 8, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 271, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 400, Value 8,661, 106BU
Imbued By: Acid-Burn
Sapphire Katar
85 16799
Material: Sapphire
Tinkered 6 Times
Workmanship: 6
Damage 14 - 28
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[P]
Attack Bonus 9%
Speed 14
Requires 400 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Sapphire Katar, (6) craft (Sapphire) PierceR (6Tinks), 14-28 Slashing/Piercing, att +9% def +12%, speed 14, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 400, Value 16,799, 85BU
Imbued By: Mis Adventure
Steel Frost Cestus
74 7645
Frost Cestus
Material: Steel
Tinkered 5 Times
Workmanship: 6
Damage 10 - 26
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[C]
Attack Bonus 12%
Speed 15
Requires 370 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Steel Frost Cestus, (6) craft (Steel) ColdR (5Tinks), 10.4-26 Cold, att +12% def +14%, speed 15 : Blood Drinker VI. Dif 57, Aluvian Only, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 289, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 370, Value 7,645, 74BU
Imbued By: Mis Adventure
Missile Weapons
Silver Acid Bow
471 7622
Acid Bow of Endurance
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 6
Damage Bonus 123%
Speed 40
Requires 315 Bow to Wield
Silver Acid Bow, (6) craft (Silver), +123%, Melee-D +12% (Bonus 1 Acid), speed 40 : Endurance Self VI, Major Strength, Infected Caress. Dif 79, Gharu Only, (activate) Bow of 335, (wield) Bow of 315, Value 7,622, 471BU
Sunstone Acid Compound Bow
739 8709
Acid Compound Bow
Material: Sunstone
Workmanship: 7
Damage Bonus 127%
Speed 38
Requires 315 Bow to Wield
Sunstone Acid Compound Bow, (7) craft (Sunstone), +127%, Melee-D +10% (Bonus 2 Acid), speed 38 : Blood Drinker VI, Major Sprint. Dif 67, Aluvian Only, (activate) Bow of 265, (wield) Bow of 315, Value 8,709, 739BU
Ivory Frost Slingshot
317 10053
Frost Slingshot of Endurance
Material: Ivory
Workmanship: 7
Damage Bonus 145%
Speed 19
Requires 335 Thrown Weapons to Wield
Ivory Frost Slingshot, (7) craft (Ivory), +145%, Melee-D +12% (Bonus 4 Cold), speed 19 : Perseverance, Blood Drinker VI, Major Bludgeoning Ward. Dif 159, (activate) Thrown Weapons of 329, (wield) Thrown Weapons of 335, Value 10,053, 317BU
Silver Frost Compound Bow
518 11038
Frost Compound Bow
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 8
Damage Bonus 125%
Speed 39
Requires 315 Bow to Wield
Silver Frost Compound Bow, (8) craft (Silver), +125%, Melee-D +11%, Missile-D +2% (Bonus 2 Cold), speed 39 : Major Arcane Prowess, Swift Killer VI, Infected Caress. Dif 156, (activate) Bow of 314, (wield) Bow of 315, Value 11,038, 518BU
Silver Blunt Compound Bow
754 6797
Blunt Compound Bow
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 8
Damage Bonus 123%
Speed 39
Requires 335 Bow to Wield
Silver Blunt Compound Bow, (8) craft (Silver), +123%, Melee-D +14% (Bonus 6 Bludgeoning), speed 39 : Major Bow Aptitude, Blood Drinker VI. Dif 117, (activate) Bow of 249, (wield) Bow of 335, Value 6,797, 754BU
Gold Blunt Bow
661 11199
Blunt Bow
Material: Gold
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 6
Damage Bonus 127%
Special Attributes
Imbue: AR
Speed 37
Requires 360 Bow to Wield
Gold Blunt Bow, (6) craft (Gold) ArmourR (1Tinks), +127%, Melee-D +8%, Missile-D +1% (Bonus 10 Bludgeoning), speed 37 : Blood Drinker VI, Minor Bow Aptitude. Dif 127, (activate) Bow of 282, (wield) Bow of 360, Value 11,199, 661BU
Imbued By: Acid-Burn
Oak Acid Bow
541 4311
Acid Bow
Material: Oak
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 6
Damage Bonus 125%
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[A]
Speed 36
Requires 360 Bow to Wield
Oak Acid Bow, (6) craft (Oak) AcidR (1Tinks), +125%, Melee-D +8% (Bonus 12 Acid), speed 36 : Defender VI, Blood Drinker VI. Dif 105, (activate) Bow of 250, (wield) Bow of 360, Value 4,311, 541BU
Imbued By: Mis Adventure
Gold Heavy Crossbow
1344 5274
Heavy Crossbow
Material: Gold
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 3
Damage Bonus 150%
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[A]
Speed 110
Requires 290 Crossbow to Wield
Gold Heavy Crossbow, (3) craft (Gold) AcidR (1Tinks), +150%, Melee-D +10%, speed 110 : Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer V. Dif 121, (activate) Crossbow of 282, (wield) Crossbow of 290, Value 5,274, 1,344BU
Imbued By: Mis Adventure
Leather Tassets
295 4416
Leather Tassets
Material: Leather
Workmanship: 7
AL 151
Slashing 181 (1.2)
Piercing 121 (0.8)
Bludgeon 151 (1)
Fire 76 (0.5)
Cold 76 (0.5)
Acid 84 (0.56)
Electrical 121 (0.8)
Leather Tassets, (7) craft (Leather), AL 151 : Impenetrability VI, Flame Bane VI, Major Strength, Minor Endurance, Minor Quickness, Blade Bane V, Acid Bane V. Dif 194, (activate) Missile Defense of 193, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/0.5/0.6/0.8], Value 4,416, 295BU
Gromnie Hide Leather Tassets
254 4000
Leather Tassets of Sprinting
Material: Gromnie Hide
Workmanship: 6
AL 128
Slashing 154 (1.2)
Piercing 102 (0.8)
Bludgeon 128 (1)
Fire 64 (0.5)
Cold 64 (0.5)
Acid 38 (0.3)
Electrical 102 (0.8)
Gromnie Hide Leather Tassets, (6) craft (Gromnie Hide), AL 128 : Major Quickness, Sprint Self VI, Minor Acid Bane, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 190, (activate) Missile Defense of 205, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/0.5/0.3/0.8], Value 4,000, 254BU
Gold Covenant Breastplate
1136 13250
Covenant Breastplate
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 7
AL 194
Slashing 252 (1.3)
Piercing 252 (1.3)
Bludgeon 252 (1.3)
Fire 155 (0.8)
Cold 233 (1.2)
Acid 194 (1)
Electrical 116 (0.6)
Requires 160 Missile Defense to Wield
Gold Covenant Breastplate, (7) craft (Gold), AL 194 : Impenetrability VI, Major Quickness, Flame Bane VI. Dif 122, (activate) Melee Defense of 263, (wield) Missile Defense of 160, [1.3/1.3/1.3/1.2/0.8/1.0/0.6], Value 13,250, 1,136BU
Gold Armet
434 9580
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 6
AL 275
Slashing 357 (1.3)
Piercing 275 (1)
Bludgeon 275 (1)
Fire 322 (1.17)
Cold 225 (0.82)
Acid 264 (0.96)
Electrical 249 (0.9)
Gold Armet, (6) craft (Gold), AL 275 : Impenetrability VI, Major Item Tinkering Expertise. Dif 18, Aluvian Only, Rank 8, (activate) Missile Defense of 200, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.8/1.2/1.0/0.9], Value 9,580, 434BU
Silver Chainmail Breastplate
712 14729
Chainmail Breastplate of Endurance
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 7
AL 127
Slashing 152 (1.2)
Piercing 127 (1)
Bludgeon 102 (0.8)
Fire 161 (1.27)
Cold 146 (1.15)
Acid 64 (0.5)
Electrical 51 (0.4)
Silver Chainmail Breastplate, (7) craft (Silver), AL 127 : Endurance Self V, Impenetrability V, Major Staff Aptitude. Dif 168, Aluvian Only, [1.2/1.0/0.8/1.1/1.3/0.5/0.4], Value 14,729, 712BU
Gromnie Hide Studded Leather Pauldrons
201 5465
Studded Leather Pauldrons of Endurance
Material: Gromnie Hide
Workmanship: 9
AL 164
Slashing 197 (1.2)
Piercing 180 (1.1)
Bludgeon 164 (1)
Fire 115 (0.7)
Cold 96 (0.58)
Acid 64 (0.39)
Electrical 66 (0.4)
Gromnie Hide Studded Leather Pauldrons, (9) craft (Gromnie Hide), AL 164 : Endurance Self VI, Impenetrability VI, Major Strength, Piercing Bane VI. Dif 121, (activate) Melee Defense of 246, [1.2/1.1/1.0/0.6/0.7/0.4/0.4], Value 5,465, 201BU
Armoredillo Hide Studded Leather Greaves
333 4725
Studded Leather Greaves
Material: Armoredillo Hide
Workmanship: 10
AL 142
Slashing 170 (1.2)
Piercing 156 (1.1)
Bludgeon 142 (1)
Fire 99 (0.7)
Cold 57 (0.4)
Acid 126 (0.89)
Electrical 57 (0.4)
Armoredillo Hide Studded Leather Greaves, (10) craft (Armoredillo Hide), AL 142 : Impenetrability VI, Major Item Tinkering Expertise, Bludgeon Bane VI. Dif 219, Viamontian Only, [1.2/1.1/1.0/0.4/0.7/0.9/0.4], Value 4,725, 333BU
Gold Large Round Shield
1012 3777
Large Round Shield of Rejuvenation
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 7
AL 90
Slashing 90 (1)
Piercing 72 (0.8)
Bludgeon 108 (1.2)
Fire 116 (1.29)
Cold 54 (0.6)
Acid 90 (1)
Electrical 54 (0.6)
Gold Large Round Shield, (7) craft (Gold), AL 90 : Major Armor, Impenetrability IV, Rejuvenation Self III. Dif 74, Sho Only, (activate) Missile Defense of 122, [1.0/0.8/1.2/0.6/1.3/1.0/0.6], Value 3,777, 1,012BU
Gold Large Kite Shield
811 5027
Large Kite Shield
Material: Gold
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 6
AL 120
Slashing 120 (1)
Piercing 96 (0.8)
Bludgeon 144 (1.2)
Fire 142 (1.19)
Cold 72 (0.6)
Acid 165 (1.38)
Electrical 72 (0.6)
Gold Large Kite Shield, (6) craft (Gold), AL 120 (1Tinks) : Impenetrability V, Major Flame Ward. Dif 134, (activate) Melee Defense of 217, [1.0/0.8/1.2/0.6/1.2/1.4/0.6], Value 5,027, 811BU
Gold Covenant Sollerets
273 6985
Covenant Sollerets of Thrown Weapon Mastery
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 8
AL 162
Slashing 211 (1.3)
Piercing 211 (1.3)
Bludgeon 211 (1.3)
Fire 227 (1.4)
Cold 130 (0.8)
Acid 97 (0.6)
Electrical 97 (0.6)
Requires 145 Magic Defense to Wield
Gold Covenant Sollerets, (8) craft (Gold), AL 162 : Asmolum's Blessing, Impenetrability VI, Major Strength, Minor Bludgeoning Bane, Minor Flame Bane, Gelidite's Bane. Dif 127, Gharu Only, (activate) Missile Defense of 205, (wield) Magic Defense of 145, [1.3/1.3/1.3/0.8/1.4/0.6/0.6], Value 6,985, 273BU
Gromnie Hide Leather Gauntlets
220 7253
Leather Gauntlets of Sword Mastery
Material: Gromnie Hide
Workmanship: 8
AL 152
Slashing 182 (1.2)
Piercing 122 (0.8)
Bludgeon 152 (1)
Fire 76 (0.5)
Cold 76 (0.5)
Acid 46 (0.3)
Electrical 122 (0.8)
Gromnie Hide Leather Gauntlets, (8) craft (Gromnie Hide), AL 152 : Archer's Bane, Major Fletching Prowess, Sword Mastery Self VI, Inferno's Bane, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 148, (activate) Melee Defense of 309, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/0.5/0.3/0.8], Value 7,253, 220BU
Gromnie Hide Leather Tassets
231 6423
Leather Tassets
Material: Gromnie Hide
Workmanship: 7
AL 155
Slashing 186 (1.2)
Piercing 124 (0.8)
Bludgeon 155 (1)
Fire 150 (0.96)
Cold 78 (0.5)
Acid 47 (0.3)
Electrical 124 (0.8)
Gromnie Hide Leather Tassets, (7) craft (Gromnie Hide), AL 155 : Major Strength, Inferno's Bane, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 185, (activate) Missile Defense of 207, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/1.0/0.3/0.8], Value 6,423, 231BU
Gold Tenassa Leggings
1573 10943
Tenassa Leggings of Quickness
Material: Gold
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 7
AL 230
Slashing 299 (1.3)
Piercing 230 (1)
Bludgeon 230 (1)
Fire 188 (0.82)
Cold 92 (0.4)
Acid 138 (0.6)
Electrical 92 (0.4)
Gold Tenassa Leggings, (7) craft (Gold), AL 230 (1Tinks) : Impenetrability VI, Acid Bane VI, Major Magic Item Tinkering Expertise, Quickness Self VI. Dif 191, Gharu Only, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/0.8/0.6/0.4], Value 10,943, 1,573BU
Bronze Round Shield
516 9000
Round Shield of Invulnerability
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 9
AL 94
Slashing 94 (1)
Piercing 75 (0.8)
Bludgeon 113 (1.2)
Fire 56 (0.6)
Cold 56 (0.6)
Acid 94 (1)
Electrical 56 (0.6)
Bronze Round Shield, (9) craft (Bronze), AL 94 : Impenetrability VI, Major Item Tinkering Expertise, Inferno's Bane, Invulnerability Self VI. Dif 200, (activate) Missile Defense of 219, [1.0/0.8/1.2/0.6/0.6/1.0/0.6], Value 9,000, 516BU
Gold Celdon Girth
799 11571
Celdon Girth of Strength
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 4
AL 254
Slashing 330 (1.3)
Piercing 254 (1)
Bludgeon 254 (1)
Fire 102 (0.4)
Cold 206 (0.81)
Acid 152 (0.6)
Electrical 235 (0.92)
Gold Celdon Girth, (4) craft (Gold), AL 254 : Blade Bane VI, Might of the Lugians, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 144, (activate) Melee Defense of 329, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.8/0.4/0.6/0.9], Value 11,571, 799BU
Steel Platemail Pauldrons
595 5203
Platemail Pauldrons
Material: Steel
Workmanship: 6
AL 199
Slashing 259 (1.3)
Piercing 199 (1)
Bludgeon 199 (1)
Fire 80 (0.4)
Cold 80 (0.4)
Acid 292 (1.47)
Electrical 80 (0.4)
Steel Platemail Pauldrons, (6) craft (Steel), AL 199 : Major Unarmed Aptitude, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 288, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/0.4/1.5/0.4], Value 5,203, 595BU
Bronze Platemail Vambraces
345 9515
Platemail Vambraces of Endurance
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 7
AL 234
Slashing 304 (1.3)
Piercing 234 (1)
Bludgeon 234 (1)
Fire 263 (1.12)
Cold 94 (0.4)
Acid 140 (0.6)
Electrical 234 (1)
Bronze Platemail Vambraces, (7) craft (Bronze), AL 234 : Endurance Self VI, Impenetrability VI, Major Unarmed Aptitude, Bludgeon Bane VI. Dif 251, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/1.1/0.6/1.0], Value 9,515, 345BU
Steel Diadem
72 19811
Diadem of Impregnability
Material: Steel
Workmanship: 8
AL 258
Slashing 335 (1.3)
Piercing 258 (1)
Bludgeon 258 (1)
Fire 103 (0.4)
Cold 103 (0.4)
Acid 155 (0.6)
Electrical 254 (0.99)
Steel Diadem, (8) craft (Steel), AL 258 : Aura of Deflection, Major Jumping Prowess, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 339, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/0.4/0.6/1.0], Value 19,811, 72BU
Silver Buckler
224 5281
Buckler of Impregnability
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 6
AL 81
Slashing 81 (1)
Piercing 65 (0.8)
Bludgeon 97 (1.2)
Fire 49 (0.6)
Cold 49 (0.6)
Acid 81 (1)
Electrical 49 (0.6)
Silver Buckler, (6) craft (Silver), AL 81 : Aura of Deflection, Impenetrability VI, Major Willpower. Dif 193, (activate) Missile Defense of 219, [1.0/0.8/1.2/0.6/0.6/1.0/0.6], Value 5,281, 224BU
Silver Buckler
200 5220
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 4
AL 105
Slashing 105 (1)
Piercing 84 (0.8)
Bludgeon 126 (1.2)
Fire 63 (0.6)
Cold 63 (0.6)
Acid 105 (1)
Electrical 63 (0.6)
Silver Buckler, (4) craft (Silver), AL 105, [1.0/0.8/1.2/0.6/0.6/1.0/0.6], Value 5,220, 200BU
Silver Platemail Sleeves
710 9873
Platemail Sleeves of Magic Resistance
Material: Silver
Tinkered 5 Times
Workmanship: 9
AL 306
Slashing 398 (1.3)
Piercing 306 (1)
Bludgeon 306 (1)
Fire 320 (1.05)
Cold 122 (0.4)
Acid 301 (0.98)
Electrical 216 (0.71)
Silver Platemail Sleeves, (9) craft (Silver), AL 306 (5Tinks) : Major Focus, Impenetrability VI, Magic Resistance Self V. Dif 116, Aluvian Only, (activate) Melee Defense of 285, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/1.0/1.0/0.7], Value 9,873, 710BU
Silver Chainmail Gauntlets
365 7417
Chainmail Gauntlets of Mace Mastery
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 8
AL 173
Slashing 208 (1.2)
Piercing 173 (1)
Bludgeon 138 (0.8)
Fire 104 (0.6)
Cold 104 (0.6)
Acid 87 (0.5)
Electrical 146 (0.84)
Silver Chainmail Gauntlets, (8) craft (Silver), AL 173 : Minor Mana Conversion Prowess, Lightning Bane VI, Major Arcane Prowess, Impenetrability V, Mace Mastery Self VI. Dif 65, Aluvian Only, Rank 7, [1.2/1.0/0.8/0.6/0.6/0.5/0.8], Value 7,417, 365BU
Silver Buckler
298 4548
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 6
AL 121
Slashing 121 (1)
Piercing 97 (0.8)
Bludgeon 145 (1.2)
Fire 73 (0.6)
Cold 115 (0.95)
Acid 121 (1)
Electrical 73 (0.6)
Silver Buckler, (6) craft (Silver), AL 121, [1.0/0.8/1.2/1.0/0.6/1.0/0.6], Value 4,548, 298BU
Brass Scalemail Bracers
212 11785
Scalemail Bracers of Endurance
Material: Brass
Workmanship: 10
AL 196
Slashing 196 (1)
Piercing 255 (1.3)
Bludgeon 196 (1)
Fire 241 (1.23)
Cold 78 (0.4)
Acid 279 (1.42)
Electrical 78 (0.4)
Brass Scalemail Bracers, (10) craft (Brass), AL 196 : Perseverance, Impenetrability VI, Major Willpower, Blade Bane VI. Dif 133, Gharu Only, (activate) Missile Defense of 232, [1.0/1.3/1.0/0.4/1.2/1.4/0.4], Value 11,785, 212BU
Silver Teardrop Crown
70 25436
Teardrop Crown of Mana Renewal
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 6
AL 235
Slashing 305 (1.3)
Piercing 235 (1)
Bludgeon 235 (1)
Fire 94 (0.4)
Cold 94 (0.4)
Acid 213 (0.91)
Electrical 262 (1.11)
Silver Teardrop Crown, (6) craft (Silver), AL 235 : Major Endurance, Mana Renewal Self VI, Blade Bane VI, Olthoi's Bane, Brogard's Defiance, Astyrrian's Bane. Dif 321, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/0.4/0.9/1.1], Value 25,436, 70BU
Gold Diforsa Pauldrons
404 9732
Diforsa Pauldrons
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 8
AL 225
Slashing 292 (1.3)
Piercing 225 (1)
Bludgeon 225 (1)
Fire 190 (0.84)
Cold 163 (0.72)
Acid 280 (1.24)
Electrical 90 (0.4)
Gold Diforsa Pauldrons, (8) craft (Gold), AL 225 : Major Quickness, Minor Bludgeoning Bane, Swordsman's Bane, Brogard's Defiance, Astyrrian's Bane. Dif 137, Viamontian Only, (activate) Missile Defense of 224, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.7/0.8/1.2/0.4], Value 9,732, 404BU
Gold Tenassa Breastplate
1082 11132
Tenassa Breastplate of Strength
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 7
AL 203
Slashing 264 (1.3)
Piercing 203 (1)
Bludgeon 203 (1)
Fire 81 (0.4)
Cold 81 (0.4)
Acid 122 (0.6)
Electrical 81 (0.4)
Gold Tenassa Breastplate, (7) craft (Gold), AL 203 : Major Endurance, Impenetrability VI, Strength Self VI. Dif 15, Rank 8, (activate) Missile Defense of 184, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/0.4/0.6/0.4], Value 11,132, 1,082BU
Gold Diadem
83 28264
Diadem of Armor
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 8
AL 265
Slashing 344 (1.3)
Piercing 265 (1)
Bludgeon 265 (1)
Fire 333 (1.25)
Cold 296 (1.12)
Acid 369 (1.39)
Electrical 106 (0.4)
Gold Diadem, (8) craft (Gold), AL 265 : Executor's Blessing, Impenetrability VI, Major Focus, Tusker's Bane. Dif 316, [1.3/1.0/1.0/1.1/1.3/1.4/0.4], Value 28,264, 83BU
Silver Teardrop Crown
72 17834
Teardrop Crown of Impregnability
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 5
AL 298
Slashing 387 (1.3)
Piercing 298 (1)
Bludgeon 298 (1)
Fire 119 (0.4)
Cold 298 (1)
Acid 179 (0.6)
Electrical 119 (0.4)
Silver Teardrop Crown, (5) craft (Silver), AL 298 : Aura of Deflection, Impenetrability VI, Swordsman's Bane. Dif 330, [1.3/1.0/1.0/1.0/0.4/0.6/0.4], Value 17,834, 72BU
Bronze Chainmail Greaves
198 7576
Chainmail Greaves of Strength
Material: Bronze
Tinkered 6 Times
Workmanship: 6
AL 328
Slashing 394 (1.2)
Piercing 328 (1)
Bludgeon 262 (0.8)
Fire 197 (0.6)
Cold 197 (0.6)
Acid 361 (1.1)
Electrical 275 (0.84)
Bronze Chainmail Greaves, (6) craft (Bronze), AL 328 (6Tinks) : Lightning Bane VI, Impenetrability V, Flame Bane V, Major Healing Prowess, Piercing Bane VI, Strength Self V. Dif 255, [1.2/1.0/0.8/0.6/0.6/1.1/0.8], Value 7,576, 198BU
Bronze Covenant Gauntlets
405 9064
Covenant Gauntlets of Mace Mastery
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 8
AL 457
Slashing 594 (1.3)
Piercing 640 (1.4)
Bludgeon 594 (1.3)
Fire 731 (1.6)
Cold 274 (0.6)
Acid 274 (0.6)
Electrical 274 (0.6)
Requires 280 Magic Defense to Wield
Bronze Covenant Gauntlets, (8) craft (Bronze), AL 457 : Major Willpower, Mace Mastery Self VI, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 150, (activate) Melee Defense of 318, (wield) Magic Defense of 280, [1.3/1.4/1.3/0.6/1.6/0.6/0.6], Value 9,064, 405BU
Bronze Chainmail Leggings
990 11064
Chainmail Leggings
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 5
AL 190
Slashing 228 (1.2)
Piercing 190 (1)
Bludgeon 152 (0.8)
Fire 114 (0.6)
Cold 274 (1.44)
Acid 95 (0.5)
Electrical 76 (0.4)
Bronze Chainmail Leggings, (5) craft (Bronze), AL 190 : Bludgeon Bane VI, Major Piercing Ward, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 287, [1.2/1.0/0.8/1.4/0.6/0.5/0.4], Value 11,064, 990BU
Leather Gloves
21 7820
Gloves of Fletching Mastery
Material: Leather
Workmanship: 5
AL 233
Slashing 280 (1.2)
Piercing 186 (0.8)
Bludgeon 233 (1)
Fire 247 (1.06)
Cold 117 (0.5)
Acid 172 (0.74)
Electrical 280 (1.2)
Leather Gloves, (5) craft (Leather), AL 233 : Major Cooking Prowess, Impenetrability VI, Gelidite's Bane, Lilitha's Blessing. Dif 335, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/1.1/0.7/1.2], Value 7,820, 21BU
Satin Cap
16 11735
Cap of Protection
Material: Satin
Workmanship: 8
AL 254
Slashing 305 (1.2)
Piercing 203 (0.8)
Bludgeon 254 (1)
Fire 219 (0.86)
Cold 127 (0.5)
Acid 76 (0.3)
Electrical 315 (1.24)
Satin Cap, (8) craft (Satin), AL 254 : Impenetrability VI, Armor Self VI, Major Piercing Ward. Dif 197, Aluvian Only, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/0.9/0.3/1.2], Value 11,735, 16BU
Velvet Smock
75 10102
Smock of Lightning Protection
Material: Velvet
Workmanship: 6
AL 0
Slashing 0 (0.8)
Piercing 0 (0.8)
Bludgeon 0 (1)
Fire 0 (0.2)
Cold 0 (0.2)
Acid 0 (0.1)
Electrical 0 (0.2)
Velvet Smock, (6) craft (Velvet), AL 0 : Major Cooking Prowess, Minor Frost Bane, Storm's Blessing. Dif 321, [0.8/0.8/1.0/0.2/0.2/0.1/0.2], Value 10,102, 75BU
Velvet Gloves
24 13921
Gloves of Archery
Material: Velvet
Workmanship: 8
AL 179
Slashing 215 (1.2)
Piercing 143 (0.8)
Bludgeon 179 (1)
Fire 179 (1)
Cold 192 (1.07)
Acid 54 (0.3)
Electrical 143 (0.8)
Velvet Gloves, (8) craft (Velvet), AL 179 : Major Armor, Bow Mastery Self VI, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 334, [1.2/0.8/1.0/1.1/1.0/0.3/0.8], Value 13,921, 24BU
Velvet Cap
13 14518
Cap of Item Enchantment
Material: Velvet
Workmanship: 8
AL 251
Slashing 301 (1.2)
Piercing 201 (0.8)
Bludgeon 251 (1)
Fire 126 (0.5)
Cold 126 (0.5)
Acid 216 (0.86)
Electrical 343 (1.37)
Velvet Cap, (8) craft (Velvet), AL 251 : Item Enchantment Mastery Self VI, Major Armor, Minor Impregnability, Brogard's Defiance, Astyrrian's Bane. Dif 331, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/0.5/0.9/1.4], Value 14,518, 13BU
Ivory Ring
30 10283
Ring of Focus
Material: Ivory
Workmanship: 7
Ivory Ring, (7) craft (Ivory) : Inner Calm, Major Item Tinkering Expertise. Dif 338, Value 10,283, 30BU
Steel Gorget
150 17134
Gorget of Strength
Material: Steel
Workmanship: 7
Steel Gorget, (7) craft (Steel) : Minor War Magic Aptitude, Major Magic Item Tinkering Expertise, Strength Self VI. Dif 254, Value 17,134, 150BU
Gold Ring
30 16888
Ring of Acid Protection
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 9
Gold Ring, (9) craft (Gold) : Major Lockpick Prowess, Caustic Blessing. Dif 330, Value 16,888, 30BU
Yellow Topaz Acid Sceptre
50 23000
Acid Sceptre of Flame
Material: Yellow Topaz
Workmanship: 6
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Yellow Topaz Acid Sceptre, (6) craft (Yellow Topaz), Mana-c +10%, Melee-D +11%, Magic-D +1% (Acid M +4% P +1%) : Flame Bolt VI, Major Arcane Prowess, Hermetic Link VI, War Magic Mastery Self VI. Dif 290, (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 23,000, 50BU
Black Opal Blunt Baton
50 17060
Blunt Baton of Lightningbolt
Material: Black Opal
Workmanship: 6
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Black Opal Blunt Baton, (6) craft (Black Opal), Mana-c +8%, Melee-D +15% (Blunt M +5% P +1.2%) : Alset's Coil, Mystic's Blessing, Hieromancer's Blessing, Infected Spirit Caress. Dif 326, (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 17,060, 50BU
Sapphire Wand
50 17937
Wand of Frost Bolt
Material: Sapphire
Workmanship: 5
Sapphire Wand, (5) craft (Sapphire), Mana-c +6%, Melee-D +10% : Icy Torment, Mystic's Blessing, Major Item Tinkering Expertise. Dif 228, Gharu Only, Value 17,937, 50BU
Alloy Machine
250 -1
Alloy Machine
250 -1
Vial of Relanim Dye Quantity: 13 of 100
130 130
Dye made from the crushed leaves of a deep purple Relanim plant.
Vial of Berimphur Dye Quantity: 8 of 100
80 80
Dye made from the crushed leaves of a dark yellow berimphur plant.
Vial of Lapyan Dye Quantity: 17 of 100
170 170
Dye made from the crushed leaves of a fair blue lapyan plant.
Vial of Minalim Dye Quantity: 37 of 100
370 370
Dye made from the crushed leaves of a winter green minalim plant.
Vial of Verdalim Dye Quantity: 15 of 100
150 150
Dye made from the crushed leaves of a dark green verdalim plant.
Salvaged Silk (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 48803
Material: Silk
Craft 8
Salvaged Sunstone (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 88738
Material: Sunstone
Craft 7.43
Salvaged Sunstone (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 60770
Material: Sunstone
Craft 7.20
Salvaged Sunstone (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 64027
Material: Sunstone
Craft 7.29
Salvaged Sunstone (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 15784
Material: Sunstone
Craft 7.29
Salvaged Sunstone (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 72517
Material: Sunstone
Craft 7.58
Salvaged Wool (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 28106
Material: Wool
Craft 6.63