Sven was my all black, half Siamese, somewhat portly, Mr Personality cat

My favourite picture of Sven (right) with his litter-brother Nils
I got them from the ASPCA in New York City in March 1979 when they were 8 weeks old. Sven is on the right. His face was always more Siamesey than Nils', and he talked a blue streak.
I lived in an apartment in Manhattan. Sven once caught a mouse there, but just played with it like a toy mouse until it finally walked away dazed!
Here they are sitting on top of the fridge there, at about age 2 or so (Sven on the right).
Later I moved to San Francisco, where the first (top) picture was taken. Sven loved looking out the window there, and greeting guests and showing them where the catfood was kept. When they were about 13, I moved to Australia, and because of 6 month quarantine there and theior age, I left them with my mom - here Sven is sitting looking at Nils and Mom's cat Jeremy at her house.
When Mom retired to Arizona, Sven, Nils and Jeremy went too. Here is Sven there:
Sven looking out at the Arizona backyard:
Sven always loved his food. He weighed 22 lbs at his largest, but got down to a svelte (?) 18 lbs. Here he is helping himself to someone's leftover Xmas dinner! Sven had hyperthyroidism and finally died at age 17 years and 1 month. I still miss him.