Little Known Bible Facts

THE longest name in the Bible is Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. It means "quick
to the plunder, swift to the spoil".

THE shortest prayer in the Bible is Peter's: "Lord, save me!" (Matthew

AT the age of ten, Abraham Lincoln had read the entire Bible 3 times!

BY reading 3 chapters Monday through Saturday and 5 chapters each
Sunday, you can read the whole Bible in a year.

THE word "Bible" comes from the Greek word "biblia" and means "book".

MATTHEW 8:10 indicates that children have personal angels.

THE names Joshua and Jesus mean the same thing: the Lord saves.

OLD Testament books were scrolls, a strip of animal skin that was rolled up
on 2 sticks. One ancient copy of the book of Isaiah is 24 feet long.