Welcome, and thanks for visiting.
Here are a few comments from recent visitors to this
Olivia Milton - 02/09/00 19:25:35 My Email:maile@gwe.net How Did You Find Me?: researching Milton's Names You Are Researching:: Paul Milton, Malinda Greenwalt Places You Are Researching:: KY< KS | Comments: I wish that I could follow the instructions for posting my name to your site for future contact by fellow researchers of the MILTON surname. I have hit a brick wall in KY for ancestors of my husband. Sincerely Olivia Milton |
Lori - 02/03/00 16:19:37 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/9191/index.html My Email:shadoe4u@hotmail.com How Did You Find Me?: webring Names You Are Researching:: Mckenzie | Comments: Dear cousin (don't know if that is true but sound kewl.) I'm a McKenzie from Alberta Canada. My Grandfather James came over to Canada with his parents in the late 1800's. They made a pit stop in the states first for a few years. Some of Papa's brothers stayed in the states. But James and Russel came here to Can da. Papa married Mrytle Bradley and had 9 children. The oldest Rowelyn (john) is my father. Love the page and you have some great infor on it. Lori |
ltdarling - 01/19/00 15:42:38 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ltdarling My Email:ltdarling@home.com How Did You Find Me?: webring Names You Are Researching:: None Places You Are Researching:: None | Comments: I liked you website..I enjoyed my stay. Have a great day!! Rachel |
nancy long - 12/27/99 05:35:32 My Email:montnanc@willinet.net How Did You Find Me?: ernest clifton told me! Names You Are Researching:: clifton's | Comments: Jan, It's nancy (Ernie's) step daughter, he told me of your site and thought i would stop by and visit. I loved what you have done, and i love your cats! I am a cat lover too! Write me sometime, it has been awhile since we have talked. Take care and hope to h ar from you soon. |
Mary Mc(Mom) - 10/19/99 13:49:03 My Email:marymc@qconline.com How Did You Find Me?: in a cabbage patch Names You Are Researching:: all the good ones Places You Are Researching:: can't print it here | Comments: you are my sunshine, always have been:-) |
John Blomberg - 09/23/99 19:00:08 My Email:Blomfam4@mci2000.com How Did You Find Me?: Chris (Grantz) Shepherd | Comments: Hi Jan, just looking at the MHS pics. Couldn't make the reunion last year. I hear there may be a 50th party though. Any idea when this might be? Nice webpage. Looks like I need to learn how to do this. Thanks for the pics. Now I have to figure out who the heck all these old people are. |
SheCat aka dil - 09/20/99 08:08:21 My URL:http://browse.to/SheCat | Comments: Hi there:):):) I downloaded some of your presets, they are extremely nice:):):) You have a great place here. I hope to come back and look around some more:):):) You offer quite a bit:):)SheCat:):):) |
the Rife Family - 09/02/99 20:59:00 My URL:http://www.azstarnet.com/~rife/ My Email:rife@azstarnet.com How Did You Find Me?: looking through bladepro preset list | Comments: Hi! I clicked on a bladepro link, but went to see your cats first. I'll have to save bladepro for another day!! I love your cats!! How many toes does Tippy have? It's amazing!! We have four cats that look like any ordinary cats, but we know that they are the most extraordinary cats. If you'd like to see them, too, please stop by to see them at: http://www.azstarnet.com/~rife/catwings.htm Loved your site and your cats. I'll be back. |
Mary Ann - 08/23/99 18:36:40 My URL:http://www.whitneysplace.com My Email:makw2137@cyberstreet.com How Did You Find Me?: PSPIZ forum | Comments: Lovely site, Kenzie! Great work here! Stopped by to help myself to one of your presets; thank you very much. I also really enjoyed your "fun with layers" section and the funny pictures you made using layers! I'm going to have to try that! |
Pat - 08/22/99 13:31:58 My Email:pshelton4@excite.com How Did You Find Me?: Searching McKenzie Names You Are Researching:: Atnip, Carlton, Shelton, etc. Places You Are Researching:: Anywhere | Comments: I am looking for information on McKenzie's Raiders. I haven't found anything yet. My brother says that we are related to that McKenzie. Thanks for your time and any help. Pat |
jennifer - 07/10/99 21:50:22 My URL:http://www.cyberteddy.freeservers.com My Email:CybrTeddy@aol.com How Did You Find Me?: Hallmark awards Names You Are Researching:: none Places You Are Researching:: just surfing the web | Comments:
What a teddy terrific site you have here!!! I wanted to say Hello and that i enjoyed your website.. |
Narda Gard McNally - 06/05/99 07:56:31 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/4106 My Email:nardaj@3-cities.com How Did You Find Me?: Browsing Names You Are Researching:: Gard,Hand,Melton,Tetherow,Bennett,McNally, Lowery Places You Are Researching:: United States, Canada | Comments: I was just getting familiar with the GeoCities sites and found your name under the Genealogy section. Saw Melton and could'n resist. My Melton line is an Lucinda Jane Melton that married to Bennett Crosley and went west in 1850's. I have talked to Nancy q ite a bit and my sister was the one that started the Melton Pot. So guess we are "kin". Good talking to you and you have a beautiful site. |
Pixel - 05/31/99 11:04:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4431/index.html My Email:pixels-paintshop@mailcity.com How Did You Find Me?: In someone else's guestbook | Comments: Lovely home you have here. When I have time I'll check more on the geneology pages. BTW...about your stray cats....(yeah, I have one now, and one is in kitty heaven..) Stray cats are not allowed in bed, except under the covers and sharing your pillow. Stray cats are not allowed to steal your heart. I personally think all the stray cats in the world communicate by telepathy and know exactly which doorstep in the neighbourhood is the perfect new home. *S* |
Connie - 05/28/99 21:24:45 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/2228/ My Email:onepep@sunlink.net How Did You Find Me?: my guestbook | Comments: You have a great site here, I really enjoyed browsing your pages...like your graphics!!!*s* |
Kimmy Smith - 05/21/99 00:36:03 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322/ My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com How Did You Find Me?: search engine Names You Are Researching:: None Places You Are Researching:: None | Comments: I like your site. |
Nancy Clement - 05/16/99 23:47:45 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9240/ My Email:Circe@chatcan.ca How Did You Find Me?: Roger's PSP Forum Names You Are Researching:: not really, just curious... | Comments: I'm the George Lucas fan that suggested your fractal be part of his next movie. When I found that your e-mail was J. McKenzie, I just about flipped. My mother's name is Joan McKenzie. I know now your name is Jesse, but couldn't resist checking it out. My father was from British Columbia, Canada, so I don't think we're related. Don't very often meet people with the same spelling of the surname. I also wanted to check out your other graphics. Great stuff! See you at Roger's. :-) |
Georgann M. Winslow - 05/13/99 18:48:48 My Email:kmongranny@aol.com How Did You Find Me?: DAR, Bill of Rights Ch. Names You Are Researching:: Harper/Henderson/Merritt/Paulk/ Places You Are Researching:: Onelist(Leonard Harper) | Comments: Congradulations, it all looks great! |
Cliff Carlson - 04/16/99 23:23:51 My Email:Ccarls5919@cs How Did You Find Me?: Bealer Names You Are Researching:: Hankla - Hankley Places You Are Researching:: Va - Ky | Comments: Hi Jan - I didn't make the main event last summer, but I saw you Fri. night. Mike told me about your sight.I'll check in now & then. Bye- Cliff |
Danny R. Melton - 04/13/99 19:21:11 My Email:DMelton488@aol.com How Did You Find Me?: Milton/Melton Pot Names You Are Researching:: Melton, Williams, Sullivan, Scarborough Places You Are Researching:: Texas, Alabama, South Caroline, North Carolina | Comments: I have traced my Melton's back to Nathan Melton, born before 1755 (born perhaps N.C. ??), residing in Kershaw county, S.C. in 1799 on 1000 acreas of land right at the border of Kershaw and Fairfield counties of S.C. Nathan's wife's name was Martha. It is believed that his son's names were John, William and James and a nephew named David. I need to confirm that James is a son. I am descended from the son, William. William's wife's name is Mary. William and Mary Melton are in Perry County, Albama by 1830 |
Tom Tyler - 03/22/99 03:57:56 My Email:tstyler@juno.com How Did You Find Me?: Luck Names You Are Researching:: Myers | Comments: Finally got around to looking you up. |
Heather McKenzie - 03/16/99 21:33:53 My Email:hmckenzi@gonzaga.edu How Did You Find Me?: looking for family history | Comments: |
Heather Caldwell - 03/12/99 00:10:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/5407/ How Did You Find Me?: webring | Comments: You have sparked my interest in purchasing Paint Shop Pro 5! I enjoyed reading through your tips and laughing at the silly effects you added such as the hats and ties. Your cat is beautiful! I love cats! |
Martha Fuquay Cummings - 02/01/99 19:40:32 My Email:cummingm@apex2000.net How Did You Find Me?: Surfing Names You Are Researching:: Fuquay/Hightower/Keath/Kilpatrick/Kerr Places You Are Researching:: VA,NC,SC,OH,TN,KY | Comments: Wonderful Home Page. Anyone researaching these names, I would appreciate any HELP or LEADS. Martha Fuquay Cummings |
Martha Fuquay Cummings - 02/01/99 19:38:37 My Email:cummingm@apex2000.net How Did You Find Me?: Surfing Names You Are Researching:: Fuquay/Hightower/Keath/Kilpatrick/Kerr | Comments: |
Martha Fuquay Cummings - 02/01/99 19:37:09 My Email:cummingm@apex2000.net | Comments: |
Virginia Marin - 01/31/99 13:18:44 My URL:http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/folklore My Email:dubh_sidhe@webtv.net | Comments: Hi Jan. Have not been in contact with you for awhile. Stopping by to say, hello. Surfed through your gen pages and enjoyed my stay. Great work! Been busy with my folklore and little people article site. Publish a new article every Friday, which keeps me busy--but a break from genealogy! |
Scott &B McKenzie - 01/24/99 04:53:09 My Email:suemc@tellico.net How Did You Find Me?: Surfed on in Names You Are Researching:: too many to mention | Comments: I have bookmarked and plan to visit again soon. Especially enjoyed the kitty pixs.. |
Suzie - 01/22/99 18:04:41 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/village/4662/SnowGlobes.html How Did You Find Me?: PSP ring | Comments: Good work! Wondeful Graphics, I enjoyed my visit here. When you have time Stop by and visit me. |
Dorieleen Reynolds - 01/06/99 04:33:50 My Email:doreileen@hotmail.com How Did You Find Me?: Searching Genealogies Names You Are Researching:: Youngblood Places You Are Researching:: anywhere | Comments: I like your page. Nice graphics. As Always Doreileen Reynolds |
Andrew - 12/06/98 03:52:38 My URL:http://www.abcdd.com My Email:margaretchou98@yahoo.com How Did You Find Me?: adsdf | Comments: I really like your web site, I think this site is very creative and meaningful. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Pamela (Penni) Hofer - 09/25/98 05:22:52 My Email:nytshift@spiritone.com How Did You Find Me?: referred by fan | Comments: |
Dean Melton Thompson - 09/17/98 13:41:50 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cousin_dean My Email:dean6wins@hotmail.com How Did You Find Me?: Melton web ring Names You Are Researching:: Melton of course | Comments: Hello, I am another Melton doing research. Enjoyed your spread. Good work. God bless. |
Mari McCuistion - 08/01/98 19:23:02 My Email:LuRunner@aol.com How Did You Find Me?: HS reunion | Comments: Hi Jan: I'm back from overseas and found your card - thought I'ld check out your webpage - I'm impressed. Let's keep in touch. Mari |
Aileen - 07/31/98 06:47:26 My URL:http://www.akmurphy.com My Email:aileen@akmurphy.com How Did You Find Me?: Made With Love Home Page Names You Are Researching:: n/a Places You Are Researching:: n/a | Comments: I was just random looking at sites listed with "Made With Love". You have a well planed and laid out site. Keep up the good and imformative work. |
Kenneth E Melton - 07/30/98 02:34:17 My Email:kenmltn@snowcrest.net How Did You Find Me?: genhomepage.com Names You Are Researching:: Frank Martin Melton Places You Are Researching:: Web and World Family Tree | Comments: Very nice site. The Melton's in your tree do not match those recent in my family. Just getting a good start and thinking of a web page. Yours is very well done. Other surnames: Kendall, Lepik, Gallup, Patterson |
Neale Clifton - 07/29/98 19:43:18 My URL:http://www.pilot.infi.net/~nkcliftn/cliftnpg.html My Email:nkcliftn@infi.net How Did You Find Me?: Clifton search Names You Are Researching:: Carter, Clay, Clifton, Davis, Dye, Dungan, Eades, Edmondson, Grant, Farley, Livingston, Mitchell, Mullins, Patterson, St. John, Wills, Williams, and a bunch more. Places You Are Researching:: Franc, Germany, British Isles, MA, RI, VA, WVA, NC,TN,KY, FL, SC, GA, AL | Comments: Great page! I don't remember you telling me about it. |
Carmi - 06/07/98 19:22:52 | Comments: |
Herman Tarnow - 05/24/98 16:20:03 My Email:htarnow@erols.com How Did You Find Me?: I asked Names You Are Researching:: Tarnow Places You Are Researching:: Europe & Midwest,USA | Comments: Excellent |
Virginia Marin - 04/21/98 17:00:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4399 My Email:richmond01@hotmail.com How Did You Find Me?: link Names You Are Researching:: Babb, Hussey, Wright, Lee, Batchelder, Perkins, Hopkins, Prior Places You Are Researching:: New England, SC any place else | Comments: Great site Jan. Love everything. |
Ellen - 04/12/98 22:05:33 My URL:/Heartland/Valley/8506/ My Email:cougars@bellsouth.net How Did You Find Me?: Via a webring Names You Are Researching:: Lewin>Hunt>Clutter>Dotson and lots more Places You Are Researching:: VA>IA>OH>IL?NE | Comments: Nicely done site! Thanks for sharing it! |
Bryan Gabbard - 04/11/98 20:26:06 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/7599 My Email:gabbard1@arkansas.net How Did You Find Me?: Via HGS Webring Names You Are Researching:: Gabbard, Couch, Robbins, Wilson, Whitmire, Dotson, Carter, Thomas, Osburn Places You Are Researching:: Northwest Arkansas, Southeast Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia | Comments: Hi! I justed wanted to tell you that this is a great looking site!! I just joined the HGS WebRing and was browsing it's member pages. This is one of the best looking ones I've seen thus far! |
Martha Duke - 03/26/98 02:24:12 My Email:maad@iglobal.net Names You Are Researching:: BURDETTE/CURRY Places You Are Researching:: Laurens Co.SC & Wilks Co. NC | Comments: |
Elizabeth S. Browning - 03/11/98 23:29:58 My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/1776 My Email:avdar@geocities.com How Did You Find Me?: Word of Mouth Names You Are Researching:: Swanay, McGraw, Dunn, Dagle, Taylor, Browning, Edenfield, to name a few. Places You Are Researching:: Greene Co., TN, Sioux City, IA, Uniontown, PA | Comments: Howdy, neighbor! I'm so excited and honored to be the first to sign your guestbook! I'm looking forward to watching your site "blossom!" Please also visit Elizabeth's Home Sweet Homepage at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/3663. Welcome to the neighborhood! |