McKenzie's Mint Photos

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Jesse McKenzie about 1910

Jesse McKenzie married Edith Larimore

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Edith & Edna Larimore

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Isaiah Clifton, Union Soldier

Isaiah Clifton married Martha Jane Gum

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Martha Jane Gum and two brothers

The man on the left is Elijah L. Gum, Martha's older brother, (b. 1847),
and the man on the right is Daniel Gum, Martha's younger brother (b. 1859).
Jon A. Gum, a descendant of Elijah, identified them for me. Thanks Jon!
Isaiah Clifton and Martha Jane Gum had a son named Fred Clifton

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Fred Clifton about age 10

Fred Clifton married Maybelle Myers

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Maybelle Myers, about age 17

Maybelle Myers' grandparents were Isaac Melton and Amanda McCartney

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Isaac and Amanda (McCartney) Melton


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J.L. McKenzie (
URL /Heartland/Pointe/4808/family/photos.html
Last Updated: April 16, 2003

COPYRIGHT © 1998-2003 J. L. McKenzie
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