Hi! These are our messages!

candy - 09/04/00 05:39:43
My Email:candybabyadam

your pictures of joey make me feel better my son was born at 9/11/99 25 weeks 1lb 5oz he got his trach 12/22/99. The dr.s told me that alot of babies don't make their first b-day. seeing your son makes me feel alot better. thanks for sharing your story feel free to e-mail me at any time.

Suzie - 03/04/00 22:02:44
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bizybeacea/preemiemain.html
My Email:bizybeacea@aol.com

What a great website... I love the photos:) My daughter and son were also preemies... not twins though:) God is great isnt He? My babies are absolute miracles... and so are yours!

Cindy - 01/19/00 14:35:45
My URL:http://www.bissells.com
My Email:cmbissell@aol.com

Dear Joseph and Jacob, I have twins too! My boys Eric and Aaron are 6 years old. I would like to talk with your mom. Could you ask her to e-mail me? Thanks! You guys are so cute:-)

Aunt Megan - 09/28/99 19:46:44
My Email:Pearl1810@aol.com

Dear Jake and Joey, I miss you very much. I love having my laptop in class so I can look at your web page and see your sweet faces. I'll be home soon in my BLUE car. Love, Aunt Megan

Karl & Stephanie Grein - 09/07/99 04:28:53
My URL:/Heartland/Garden/7699/
My Email:fury11@digisys.net

Great page ..... We are also parents of Preemie Twin Boys. (28 weekers) Tristan & Jakob. Stop in and visit our site, and would love to hear from ya...

Greg & Christa Hall - 07/04/99 20:42:30
My URL:http://pass.across.to/us
My Email:christaa@flash.net

Greetings from another preemie-l member. Great page! Thanks for sharing with us.

Michelle Dennison - 04/28/99 19:47:51
My URL:http://mysite.xtra.co.nz/~PreciousLee
My Email:rm.dennison@paradise.net.nz

What handsome boys you have - love your web site!

Mandy - 03/19/99 20:44:18
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/mandy20j
My Email:mandy19j@yahoo.com

I just visited your page and you've done a great job. You have two beautiful little boys.

Stephanie, Brian & Jacob - 02/18/99 02:59:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/iluvmy2lueders/index.html
My Email:Srs8ball@aol.com

What cute boys. I love their names. Jacob is our sons first name and Joseph is his middle name! :) Great job on the site! (our jacob is a preemie too ~ 25weeker)

Tracy - 10/11/98 17:34:47
My Email:warring@mailexcite.com

Hi! Enjoyed your page. I have twin boys about a month younger than yours. They were 33 1/2 weeks, but one of them had severe lung problems. Still on o2 at 18 months and a while to go. Really nice job on the web page.

10/04/98 11:29:10
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jen and Ricky - 09/22/98 04:32:41
My URL:http://www.preemies.org/photos/jenrick.jpg
My Email:rickkater@aol.com

Hey, great sight. Love the boys #1 pic. Looking good, keep up the good work.

Sherilyn - 09/19/98 04:26:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/9162/
My Email:smherron@epix.net

Great page! Those boys are darling! I love the first birthday photos, they're priceless. Conal (28wkr) has his own page too, drop by when you get a chance! See you on preemie-l.

Diana Newcomb - 08/28/98 13:27:31
My Email:d.newcomb@m.cc.utah.edu

What a great site! Such beautiful children and what a good job you guys have done with them! You should, and I'm sure are, very proud. Diana

Marguerite - 06/25/98 06:35:37
My Email:muddycat@webtv.net

Hi, Ive been reading your posts on preemie l and have finally goten around to checking out your web page...I always take an extra interest, since Gavin was born 3-15-97 at 24 weeks...so we prpbably went thru a lot of the same stuff at the same time. Your babies are darling!!!!

Kristina Fallon - 05/15/98 15:22:48
My Email:PremieInfo@AOL.com

Hi- Am am the mom of a 25 weeker also. She was vented till 2 years of age. Just wanted to say hi and I know how hard it is. kristina

Raji Thomas (internet's one and only: King of Madness) - 05/09/98 04:02:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/pw4l4e/indexx.html
My Email:PW4L4E

Hey GREAT SITE!!!!! you never told me you had a web site. I took a link from Linda's new web site. WOW you are doing GREAT and Especially with the HTML!!!!! Keep it up...tell the kids I said "hi" Raji

Lisa and Katelyn Hurt - 05/01/98 22:19:59
My Email:bighurt@evansville.com

We loved looking at the pictures of Joey and Jake! It's great to see them doing so well. They've come a long way. See you next time at Dr. Phillip's office.

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