

Deep blue, but bright with a black design, like the sky before a storm.

Smooth, slightly weighted, just smaller than my hand.

If I put it away in my drawer, it scents anything in there.

If I squeeze it, it makes crunchy sounds.

If I set it somewhere and look at it, it relaxes my mind.

Soft-spoken, serene, cheerful.

It would be a kind, understanding person to talk to.


By: Leanne P. Sherburne



The land of the hummingbird,

a place of soft voices and quiet ways,

cool breezes and warm smiles,

sweet scents and sunshine,

where flowers bloom around the clock,

and trees dance in the delicate winds,

while hummingbirds hover from flower to flower;

in this warm rural community of happiness,

softness, and sweetness;

the land of the hummingbird,

Humbird, Wisconsin.

By: Leanne P. Sherburne


Night Into Day: A Magnetic Poetry Poem

All spirit life there as long moon song was like summer.

Day sky dropped starry morning balm.

Plum spring can bloom yet after time shall come celebrate this hour

By: Leanne P. Sherburne


Random Wanderings: A Stream of Bizzare Ideas

Imagine blue inside out.

The little barn is fun.

Silent castle in the spring.

Ask the pink turtle for dreams once a day.

I like good.

I cry stars.

By: Leanne P. Sherburne



Warmth and love surrouding me.

A piece of heaven at my side.

A puzzle completed.

An adventure begun.

A begining with no end.

By: Leanne P. Sherburne


Last Updated: 07/26/05

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