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Fall 1999

Basketball Training Camp Opens

Alex White continues to expand his athletic skills. This year he has taken up basketball.

"He got a basketball set for his birthday and just couldn't wait to try it out," said his mother, Tamara Abbey. "The neighbor boys were more than happy to show him how it's done."

It didn't take long before White was sinking baskets and showing the other guys how it's done.

"I'm not at all surprised," chuckled his father, Rick White. "He just seems to have a knack for sports."

White will need to turn his attention to indoor sports soon. The cooler temperatures will be forcing him and his teammates indoors soon.

"The swimming and basketball kept him pretty busy over the summer," his mother said. "I'm not quite sure what we'll do with him once the snow flies!"


Swish - White proves he can shoot baskets with the best of them during a recent pick-up game in the courtyard.

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