Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight,
Rings a melody sweeter than psalm,
With celestial like strains it unceasingly falls,
O're my soul like an infinite Calm.
Peace, Peace,
Wonderful Peace,
Coming down from the Father above,
Sweep over my Spirit, forever I Pray.
In wonderful Billows of Love
In 1955 at the age of 13 at an old Camp Meeting I accepted
Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In the years that followed,
I drifted away from the Lord and I went places many Men would
never dream of, and I did things that many men would never think
of. I'm not particulary proud of many of the things I did. But
even though I had drifted away from the Lord, He never drifted
away from me. After many years I came back to the Lord and asked that he forgive me and he did and gave me a peace that only he could give. On December 11, 1999 I suffered a Heart Attack and the Doctors worked over me for about 5 hours before I finally stabalized. (My Dear old Sainted Mother 92 years young praying for me as she always does along with numerous Friends and Family.) The next day I was given a Heart Cath and they found that I had 6 Blockages with 3 major in my Heart. On the evening of the 13th the Surgeon came into my room to talk with me about having the surgery necessary for my Heart to keep working. When asked what the alternative to surgery was he stated, you will die. At that point in time I was able to witness to the Doctor by telling him that I had a Win,Win situation. I couldn't loose because at that point is when that Peace swept over my spirit, coming down from the Father above, And yea though I walk thru the Valley of The Shadow of Death I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. The fear was gone. On the 14th I had the surgery and am doing great, knowing that one day the Lord will call me Home. You too can have that peace simply by going to the Lord in Prayer and asking forgiveness and accepting him as your Lord and Savior. He is willing if you are. Won't you do that now if you never have. Thats the only way to Heaven and it is so simple. Jesus died on the Cross and arose on the 3rd day and assended into Heaven so that YOU and I might be saved and have eternal life with him. Don't miss out, Don't wait until it is to late. I'm looking forward to meeting you in Heaven some day. Be there!