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Only four hundred young men mounted on camels made good their escape.

1 Samuel 30:17 (NEV)

From the frigid peaks of the high Andes to the dusty roads of the Middle East, from the blazing heat of the Sahara to the cool sands of the Gobi Desert--this is Camelid Country.

If you've don't know much about the camelids, there is a real treat waiting for you in Meet the Camelids. Here you will meet the six species of modern camelid--the alpaca, the arabian camel, the bactrian camel, the guanaco, the llama, and the vicuña--learn where they came from, and how they fit into the modern animal kingdom. I've also tried to include any material that is specific to any single species here as well.

Because my own first hand experience with camelids started on a farm in western Canada, it seemed only natural that to include a section on camelids in western Canada. This is the Western Canadian Agricultural Perspective.

The remaining sections have material that is common, not only to several, if not all, of the six species, but to camelids in many parts of the world as well.

There is a section on Care and Ownership for people who want to have a few of these beautiful animals around the farm or acreage. While some of the material in this section will be of interest to the commercial breeder, my intent here is to focus on material for people who want a handful of animals pleasure.

No discussion of camelids would be complete without a look at the Uses of camelids and their role in human commerce. While many uses described are commercial uses, Camelid Country is not a commercial web page. Nor have I provided links to commercial sites, unless the site has non-commercial material that complements what is here in Camelid Country.

Rounding out these sections are a Camelid Picture Gallery, a place for some Camelid Fun--stories, anecdotes, jokes, and games--and a section with some Camelid Connections or links to other sites you may find interesting.

In keeping with the focus of the Geocities Heartland neighborhoods, I've tried to build in a focus on camelids and people, and give the page a bit of a small town, family values flavor too.

I hope you enjoy your stay.


P.S., feel free to View and Sign the Camelid Country Guest Book.

Camelid Country Home Page.

Detailed Contents

Next Section: Meet The Camelids

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Copyright and Disclaimer

Page last updated April 17, 2000.

Page Maintained by John Fleming.

Copyright © 1998-2000 John Fleming.

Background Image Copyright © 1997 Gini Schmitz.

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