In Loving Memory Of...


born: September 27, 1917 in Kiowa Co., Kiowa, OK

desceased: October 7, 1998 in Kiowa Co.,Weatherford, OK

Son of
of Kiowa County, Oklahoma

The following is intended to be the beginning of a Memorial Biography

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My Fondest Memories Of My Grandpa

by Shereen Harris

My earliest memory of my grandpa is when I was little. I don't know how old. I remember looking up at him and thinking, 'this guy is really old! He MUST be a 100000!'. We all called him "The Chief" because he said he was part American Indian and he looked so much like an old Indian Chief. The first few times we visited, they had a house next to the Cafe they owned in Weatherford. He liked to garden and have livestock, even horses! He had the sweetest temperment, even when we did something wrong, which was often.

We drove out from California to Oklahoma about every four years to visit "the folks". Two days after our arrival each time, everyone in my family suddenly had an good Okie accent. It is that contagious.

After they moved out to the big place on the rural route, my family would spend the entire vacation following Grandpa around, 'helping' on the farm. He grew watermelon, cantalope, peaches and more. I remember at least one cow (which I stupidly killed by leaving the door open to the grain) and several dogs of the hunting variety. The Chief loved fishing. One time when Grandma and Grandpa came out to visit us, my parents took them out deep sea fishing. They had a great time and caught lots of fish. I don't remember any of this, I was made to stay home because I was too "little". I remember this only from pictures..... (;-).

After surviving Two Major Heart Surgeries, I guess I thought Grandpa was made of steel. He lived a long and happy life, enjoyed his family and his farming and produced 6 fine children who all grew up to become successful, happy, productive people. No one can claim to do any better.


Clifford Harold Harris, born September 27, 1911, passed away on October 7, 1998, survived by his wife of 60 years, Leeta Bell, his children; Frank, Delores, Jerry, Dennis, Jay Will and Leeta Gayle; 13 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchilren.

May he rest in peace.

Services held on Friday, October 9, 1998

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