Notes copied from "My Pioneer Ancestors" by Matthew George Burris

     John Dean, an English  gardener, was  the  ancestor of the  Dean Family of Musquodoboit, and one of the earliest settlers of that district.  "He was a native of London, England" and in that city was employed by a gentleman whose name was  Kirke.  In  the Dean  family  tradition, this  Mr. Kirke was spoken of as "a rich  nobleman."  His  wife was "a lady of rank".  Her family name was Kirkby.  They had one child only, a daughter  named  Susan.  Mr. Kirke kept a stable of fine  horses  with  groomsmen and coachmen, had a garden of twelve acres and, in his home, a retinue of many servants.  On this gentleman's estate, John Dean was  employed  as  the  head  gardener  "with  twelve  men  under  him".  He is described as a handsome featured" man of quiet manner and speech.  From his work in this country, his is known to have been skilled in his calling.

There  was trouble  brewing  between the English and French about 1795 and John  thought  it  was  time  to  move  on  to  join his two brothers in New York.  Along with  his  wife  and  eight  children  they  set  sail for the New World.  The American ship was flying a Britsh flag to avoid being captured.  To no avail.  The English  captured  the  ship  and  brought  them  into  Halifax harbour.  Having no choice, they wintered about Halifax.

John Dean
b. 1755
     d. September 1, 1832 in Dean, Upper Musquodoboit, Halifax County, NS
          m. 1777 in London, England
Susan Kirke
             daughter of Mr. Kirke and Susan Kirkby
          b. 1760 in London, England
          d. 1796 Halifax County, NS

8 children
  * 1.
James Dean 1778 London, England
Eleanor Dean 1779 London, England
  * 3.
John Dean 1780 London, England
William Dean 1783 London, England
David Dean 1784, Dundee, Scotland
Susan Kirke Dean 1787 Ellon, Aberdeen, Scotland
Charles Dean 1794 Ireland
Esther Kirk Dean 1794 Ireland

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