The Hotel Employees' & Restaurant Employees' International Union (HERE), AFL-CIO, has gone through several name changes. In its very early days, it was known as the "Hotel and Restaurant Employees International Alliance and Bartenders International League of America," a big name for what was, at the time, a small, struggling union. Members from different crafts within the union wore distinctive pinbacks demonstrating that their monthly dues was paid up. An early example of a bartenders pin shows only the "BIL" for "Bartenders' International League," and the month and year for which the dues were paid:
The union later simplified its name to "Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union," and again in the mid-1980's to its present name, "Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union," or simply "H.E.R.E."
Below is a listing of the men who have served as President and Secretary-Treasurer of the union we now call H.E.R.E. I have not been able to get complete information, but this information is nonetheless useful in providing approximate dating for bar cards and house cards that have been issued over the decades. For instance, on "David's Home Page" , an old bar card is shown. It is reproduced, below:
The President was TJ Sullivan, and the Secretary-Treasurer was Jere Sullivan. This dates this bar card to sometime between the years 1904 and 1911, when Tim Sullivan was President.
International President
International Secretary-Treasurer