Just added (1999): Click here for some more photos sent to us by Judy and Bob Carlsen



Taken about 1930

Left to right: Jonathan Edwards Ferris, Cathy Ferris, Francis Edwards Ferris, Grace Ferris, Richard Ward Ferris, Grace Dropp Ferris



Taken about 1942

Left to right: Richard Ward Ferris, Adelaide Ferris, Grace Ferris, Cathy Ferris, Jonathan Edwards Ferris



Left to right. Top Row: Jonathan Edwards Ferris, Adelaide Ferris, Richard Ward Ferris

Bottom Row: Grace Ferris Tregillis, Francis Edwards Ferris, Grace Dropp Ferris, Cathy Ferris Skoglund. Click here for a photo of Cathy Ferris Skoglund sent by Patsy.




Marion, Charles, and Francis Ferris

Grace Ferris Tregillis

Grace, Francis, Charles, Alpha, ca 1966

















Grace and Jim Tregillis (1925-2001)


Cheryl and Lee Tregillis, Grace and Jim Tregillis, Virginia and John Weber, Feb 22, 1998.

Four generations: L to R: Grace, Granddaughter Amy Eidson, Great-Granddaughter Krystal Lee Eidson, and Daughter Virginia Grace Weber

Amy, Granddaughter of Grace and Jim Tregillis, ca 1992


Krystal Lee Eidson


Grace and great-granddaughter Lauren Ashly Tregillis, daughter of Chad and Kim Tregillis


Grace Ferris Tregillis and four grandsons: (L to R) Matt, Jim, Jason, Chad













Christian Tregillis, son of Jason and Sarah, 2001


From the Daily News, Iron Mountain-Kingsford, Michigan, Saturday, June 7, 1997:

Tregillis--50th Anniversary

KINGSFORD -- A family sit-down dinner at Solberg's Supper Club was the scene for the celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Jim and Grace Tregillis.

Following the sit-down dinner, a small party, given by their children, was held in their honor at Six Mile Lake.

The former Grace Ferris married James Tregillis on May 10, 1947 at the First Presbyterian Church in Iron Mountain.

Jim and Grace reside at 633 Eskil St. in Kingsford where they have enjoyed the majority of their married life.

The couple has two children, Ginny (John) Weber of Kingsford and Lee (Sherry) Tregillis of Felch.

Their family also includes five grandsons, Chad (Kim) Tregillis, Jason, Jim and Matt Tregillis, and Darwin Weber; one grand-daughter, Amy Eidson, and one great-granddaughter, Krystal Leigh Eidson.


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