
An Awakening
Written by Jeff Abbott October 1999

 On August 5th, 1999 at 2:30 in the morning, my life changed forever. With the arrival of our daughter Shelly, Sylvie and I had become parents and entered a New World of experiences, challenges and joy.

Although she needed a little coaxing to finally join us, Shelly has very quickly established herself as a going concern and I am amazed at how much she changes each day as she burrows herself securely into our hearts and lives.

I do my best to get as much quality time as I can with Shelly now that I'm back at work. She has just started sleeping through the nights and starts to stir around 5:30am. I make sure that I'm up with her and we share some time together as I give her first diaper change of the day. It usually takes a few minutes for her to fully wake up but we are in no rush. After a few yawns, grunts and a furious session of blinking and squinting, she breaks into a heartwarming ear to ear smile. She starts to coo and does her best to communicate with me as I chat with her and sing a song or two, in a horrible morning voice that is screaming for it's first cup of coffee, but she doesn't seem to mind me being off key.

Once the changing is done, I bring her to her mother for her morning feeding and go off to take my shower and get ready for work. When I leave they are together and I kiss them both good-bye and head for the train. When the working day is over I can't wait to get back home to spend more time with them.

I am also the " giver of the bath " and this provides me with an opportunity to spend more time with Shelly, as she loves taking her bath. I'm not sure who takes on more water Shelly or I but we have lots of fun.

Although the ongoing demands of work are high, especially in this time of application migrations, rewrites and that Y2K thing, I am finding that being a father is helping put things into their proper perspective. Work is work and family is family and there is nothing like the smile of your child to wash away the worries of the day.


(Article originally written for the IATA Talewind newspaper)