Below are listed names of families that intermarried with my direct ancestors. These family names are organized by region and are followed by some brief descriptions of those lines that I have information on or am interested in.

GRANVILLE CO., NC: Clayton, Clement, Harris, Howard, Jeter, Lawrence, McGeehee, Minter, Parker, Patterson, Terry, Walker, Williams

PERSON CO., NC: Gwinn, Mitchell, Parker, Patterson, Redd, Reid

STOKES CO., NC: Burns, Covington, Eason, Estes, Gentry, Green, Griggs, Hill, Hollingsworth, Pitzer, Smith, Taylor, Vaughn, Wright

OLD SETTLER CHEROKEE: Beamer, Brown, Doublehead, Emory, Grant, Jolly

AMELIA CO., VA: Irby, Jeter, Lea, Radford, Whitworth

MONTGOMERY CO., KY: Adam, Conley, Howard, Moore, Woodward, Wyatt, Yokum

MONROE CO., IN: Baxter, Deckard, Ettar, Hines, Mize, O'Neal, Quick, Wampler, Wilkerson

LOS ANGELES CO., CA: Benton, Evertsen, Haddox, Mayes

SAN LUIS OBISPO CO., CA: Calloway, Cullen, Goodchild, Hirscheir, Holland, Howard, Jones, Kelly, Kennedy, Klaucke, McArdle, Nicholson, Reid, Ruda, Schneider, Simkins, Tate

NORFOLK/OXFORD COS., ONTARIO, CAN: Baker, Bates, Billows, Brown, Burke, Chisholm, Haggard, Newell, Teeple, Wardle

WENTWORTH/ANCSTER COS., ONTARIO, CAN: Belcher, Chisholm, Hathaway, Hopkins, Lawrason, Main, Markle, Mustard, Runion, Ryckman, Smith, Wan Every, Willson

WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, CAN: Batho, Chenoweth, Despond, Gibson, Hill, McFarland, Scott, Smith

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