UDC Membership Requirements

Who is Eligible

Those eligible for active membership are women no less than 16 years of age who are blood descendants, lineal or collateral, of men and women who served honorably in the Army, Navy, or civil service of the Confederate States of America or gave material aid to The Cause. Also eligible are those women who are lineal or collateral blood descendants of members or former members of the UDC. Adopted children are not eligible for membership by virtue of their adoptive parents' bloodline but solely by virtue of their natural or biological parents' bloodlines.

Proof of Eligibility

Proof of an ancestor's service to the Confederate States of America may be provided, if available, upon request from one of the following sources:

UDC Business Office
From records of military service compiled from registered applications and veterans' files, upon request of the Chapter Registrar and payment of research fee
State Department of Archives and History
Confederate records, if certified
General Services Administration, National Archives and Record Service
8th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20408
An authoritative publication
Give name of author, volume, page number, year of publication, location of library. Provide certified copy of pertinent data.
Data from tombstone
Name and location of cemetery. Please certify as to authenticity. Enclose photograph if possible.
Proof of applicant's relation to Confederate veteran
Birth, marriage, and death certificates where possible.


Admission to the organization shall be by invitation through a Chapter.

The application shall bear the endorsement of two members of the accepting Chapter to whom the applicant is personally known. She shall be accepted for membership as described in the UDC Bylaws.
