Personal Notes

Below I am going to share some of my personal "revelations" that God has spoken, or pointed out, to me. It's awesome to hear God's voice, it is so soft and gentle. But you must remain still and focused to recognize it is HIM. (see also~ Are you hearing God?)

One time when God spoke to me, he told me "That which I have promised is to be delivered to you this day. Before nightfall your gift of restoration will be in your hands, give all glory, honor and praise to me, for I have perfected that which I have begun in you." He went on to say many other things, but it was all saying that my husband WAS coming home. I got excited and expected to see him THAT DAY. Well he didn't come home, I got discouraged, and the next day I was whining to God and questioning him & if it was really from him, and why it did not come to pass. I opened up the Bible and it fell to Daniel 8:26 "And the vision of the evenings and the mornings which was told is true. Therefore seal up the vision, for it refers to many days in the future." (he answered both my questions.... Yes it was true, and it didn't happen because it refers to the future... but it WILL happen! PTL!!)

The other night my gf and I were talking about remarriage.... we began talking about 2 couples in particular who were friends of ours and they were in their second marriage and they were happy. Then God whispered in my ear something that really set me to thinking.... "But look at how they are struggling, both financially and with sickness. They are not getting my FULL blessings because they are not in my PERFECT WILL" (wow!) and I began thinking and in both couples, both of them work like crazy and I remember pointing out to my husband many times that I didnt understand how I didn't even work and we made about half as much as they did, yet we always had more "stuff" than they did. And, they are always sick, or someone in their family is. My kids are rarely sick, praise God.

So.... WHY would we want to SETTLE for anything less than God's PERFECT WILL for our life??

One story that I have been thinking about was David & Goliath.... my giant is divorce. Its staring me right in the face, laughing at me. Telling me that its over, I do not have the power within myself to stop it. It seems to overwhelm me, but as David was small in men's eyes, by his simple act of faith, he overcame the giant and God miraculously delivered him. I am trusting God that as I dropped the papers at his feet, it was as David put the stone in the sling and swung it at the giant, knowing that in my own strength this is impossible, but knowing that GOD is my strength and my salvation. That he is going to use that simple act of faith to KILL the giant of divorce that was attempting to overtake me. And by his miraculous power God WILL deliver me from this divorce. I can not SEE how, but we walk by FAITH not by sight. The how part is up to God, I just have to believe that he WILL!

After reading this comment in my daily newsletter I receive... "Is anything happening that you can see, or is God still working on the other side of the mountain?" I started thinking about the mountain of separation & divorce between me and my husband and I began quoting the "mountain" scriptures. At work I always have alot of time to think and pray, so I had been thinking alot about this "mountain" and I began looking thru some watches(I work at JcPenneys jewelry department), and I sat down in the floor as I was going thru the watch case, all the while deep in thought, and then when stood up, I noticed something sitting on the top of the case, I did not see it there before , I had not seen anyone pass by, and there was no one in the area...... I picked it up and it was a mustard seed inside this tiny glass charm. And then it hit me, "if you have faith as a mustard seed, you can speak to that mountain and it will be removed!" I was like, WOW! God is so creative in his ways to encourage and confirm his word in our lives!

A few days later I was walking around the outside of my counter and something was on the floor, I picked it up, it was the MUSTARD SEED again! THEN about a week after that, I was checking in some diamond necklaces, and I saw another charm with the back to me, which I could see was inscribed, I picked it up and read "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seen.... Nothing shall be impossible to you" and turned it over, and there was another MUSTARD SEED. THEN... a few days later, I decided to go straighten the costume jewelry, and in the middle of all the earrings, there was a MUSTARD SEED CHARM. A few days following that, a coworker comes by and hands me something saying "I found this on the floor over there" I looked down, and GUESS what it was? Yep, A Mustard Seed Charm, I just start laughing, thinking ... God, are you trying to tell me something?

August 4 I was digging through a bag of junk that I had gotten from a previous tenants apartment, and I ran across a bouquet of red velvet flowers. I was thinking, well I can't believe this is something nice in this bunch of junk. I took them to my bathroom where I had a vase I had bought a few weeks earlier. I was arranging them in the vase when I realized there were 7 roses. For our anniversary last year my husband had given me 7 red roses to symbolize our 7 years together. (Then 1 month later he was gone!) I began thinking about that, and got pretty sad, and whiny, talking to God and crying a bit. But as I continued to dig thru the bag, down at the bottom I found something and I pulled it out to find another red rose, which was pretty dusty. I brushed it off and thought "there is another rose." I went and put it on the bush with the others, then stood back and looked and then it was as if God just spoke to my spirit saying "This is your 8th year. Just as you restored the 8th rose to the bouquet, I will restore your 8th year. And just as you can not tell that it was ever broken off, the same will be true, that you will not be able to tell that this year was ripped away, buried in the dirt. But I will take that 8th year and dust it off and restore it to its rightful place."

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