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A Journal By Fredrick Henry Duerschner

(My great-great grandfather)

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While going through some of my mother's old books, I discovered a journal. I opened it, realized it was from a Duerschner (Duerschner is my mother's maiden name), and immediately became interested. I read a little, but did not catch on to what the journal was about and took it with me. After getting it home, I started to read more but found it difficult to read due to the older style of cursive. I decided to type it out so that it would be easier to read. As I got further into the journal I got more and more interested in what Fredrick had to say. As I began to type out the journal, I got the idea of making it into a book and giving it back to my family. It is word-for-word and page-for-page as it appears in his journal, except where he wrote in German. I marked where he wrote in German by inserting {Writing in German}, and left the space blank. Although I would like to get these sections translated, they do not take away much from the Journal. I did try to get these sections translated, but his German is written in the old German characters so most people who know German today cannot even read it.

Fredrick was constantly referring to Scripture in the journal, but does not always give the reference, so I went through and added the references. References that I have added are shown in square brackets, for example: [John 3:16].

To just entice you a little to read this journal I will list a few of the better quotes that I like to give you a small picture of the insight that this man of God had:

Page 8

When man depart from scriptural doctrines and plans, and substitute their own whims and notions, they open upon themselves the flood-gates of error and confusion.

Page 12

Don't magnify the evils and minify the virtues of your enemies. Better put your enemies out of existence by making them your friends.

Page 47

That which is contained in Scripture or derived by necessary and plain deduction from its contents a Christian need not believe.

A statement in canonical Scripture is more authoritative than an assertion of the Christian church.

Articles of faith must be verified by Scriptures.

The teaching of the church must fully coincide with the Bible.

Rather stand with Scripture

Page 63

We need people who have Jesus Christ in the heart. That alone will keep men from going to the devil. Peace and prosperity will not do it. A strong seeking after material prosperity, as we find it in our country, is very close kin to the love of money, of which the apostle says that is the root of all evil.

Page 89

The straight and narrow path is wide enough for its traffic.

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