How Did I Create This Page?
I had all of these subjects saved in Microsoft Word originally only for my own personal use. When I decided to create this page I did not want to have to go through and to have to turn them into HTML format manually, especially because they write very nifty software to do it for you. Microsoft Word converts them to HTML format very easily.
Also, I did not manually type any of the verses into my computer. That would take far too much time and again they write software for that. I bought a CD that has an entire library of Bibles and Bible related resources (concordances, maps, etc.) and it is called BibleSoft. You can buy it directly from BibleSoft but I found it much cheaper from Word Microsystems. It isn't that cheap but I found it to be a very useful tool for finding what you want in the Bible fast. If you don't want to spend the money you don't have to because a lot of those resources are on the web and you can find them in the list on the left under "Internet Bibles." Well that is all got on this subject.