Before visitors see our program, they'll first journey through the Bethlehem marketplace, where they'll encounter merchants, townspeople, and Roman soldiers. |
Here are the Wisemen's camels, which were resting by the potter's market. These camels were drawn by Terry Stewart, and painted by Amanda Stewart. |
For 1999's play, Blind Bartemeus (Adam Pryor) learned how to play the flute. He was kind enough to entertain the visitors and Bethlehem citizens with his soothing melodies. |
A young shepherd (Jordan Baize) takes time to pose for the camera by the basket stand. |
The tanner (Justin Pryor) proudly displays one of his fine furs. |
A family tries to sell pots to the visitors. From left to right: Allen, Stacy, and Lincoln Miller. |
The basket-sellers: Melinda and Hunter Baize. |
Hmm, is this Wiseman (Melchior, played by Tom Cornette) conspiring with the enemy (Roman soldier played by Robbie Baize)? |
The beggar - actually King Herod in disguise - asks a citizen's opinion of the king's rulership. |
Close observers will notice something peculiar about the tanner (Justin Pryor) besides his ability to hide coins under his eye patch. Study the location of the patch: (at top & bottom) the patch covers his right eye while (at right) the patch covers his left eye. |
A view of Herod's palace from the marketplace. |