Tradewinds 4-Legged Friends


This is Hank.  He is acting sheriff since the passing of the founder of the security force, Joey.  Hanks days are spent roaming up and down the arena and front field intimidating anyone who passes by.  This time of year skunks are frequent intruders.  Hank takes his job very seriously and is a genuine gentleman!


Nola is the official skunk patrol deputy of Tradewinds.  She is not always the most popular house dog but she also makes a good outdoor pet!  Nola and Hank are best buddies.

Squeak is the oldest member of the security team.  She is approaching retirement because of a mental problem due to old age.  She is mostly on window seat patrol at Tradewinds now.  In the summer her duties also include lifeguarding in the water tanks.


Although an unofficial deputy, Koshka heads up the Barn Cat Club.  She is known among the barn cats as  "The Queen".    


Here he is!  Good old Kielbasa the pot bellied pig.  He's a good old guy and the full time caretaker of the Tradewinds lawn and field as well as the butt of every joke!


These two are the two head mousers of the barn (on break!) Martin & Gingevere are brothers who are usually outside but also enjoy a nap in the chair when it gets cold.

Chubbyetta Egg (Chubby) came to Tradewinds a lot smaller than this!  She has since moved on but still comes by for an occasional egg or dip in the cat food!


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