Indian Pentecostal Church of God Bombay
Mizar Hall, Chhedanagar
Chembur, Mumbai 400 089, INDIA

"The First Malayalee Pentecostal Church in Bombay"
"An oasis of fellowship since 1955"


Light house
"Let your light shine
before men"
Matt. 5:16


Present Committee
Our Pastor
Our Former Pastors
Location of Mizar Hall
Brief History of the Church
Organization of the Church
Worship Services
Sunday School
Youth Fellowship
Sisters' Fellowship
Cottage Meetings

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The present committee

Pastor P.J. Samkutty -- President
Bro. C.J. Samkutty -- Secretary
Bro. A. Achenkunju -- Treasurer
Bro. V.V. Varghese -- Member
Bro. K. Philip -- Member
Bro. K.V. Abraham -- Member
Bro. Varghese Kollakompil-- Member
Bro. M.K. Kutty -- Member
Bro. Sebastian Joseph -- Member

Our Pastor
(From January 1998)

Pastor&family Pastor P.J. Samkutty

* Born (:1956) in Pathanapuram
* Graduated from Doon Bible College, Dehradun
* In the Lord's ministry from 1980
[13 years in pioneer fields in Barwaha, Madhya Pradesh
5 years in IPC, Jabalpur]

Sitting:Pastor P.J. Samkutty, Phil, Mercy
Standing: Freda, Pheba

Our former Pastors

1. Pastor C.J. Mathew (1956 - 58) - Gone to be with the Lord
2. Pastor V.M. Chacko (1958 - 59) - Gone to be with the Lord
3. Pastor Mathew Samuel (1959 - 68) - Now in New York
4. Pastor K.V. Kurian (1968 - 74) - Now in New York
5. Pastor K.V. Abraham (1974 - 80) - Now elsewhere in Bombay
6. Pastor Thomas V. Koshy (1980 - 86) - Now in New York
7. Pastor P. Joy (1986 - 91) - Now elsewhere in Bombay
8. Pastor K.M. Varghese (June 1991- Dec. 1991) - Now in Florida
9. Pastor V.J. Thomas (1992 - 1997) - Now elsewhere in Bombay

Location of Mizar Hall

Nearest Railway Station: CHEMBUR on Central Railway - Harbour Line. Walk from the Railway Station to Chhedanagar locality. The first building on the left as you enter Chhedanagar is ‘Ballena’. Mizar Hall is on the ground floor of ‘Ballena’. Chhedanagar is connected by many Bus routes from different parts of Bombay.

A brief history

a) A small beginning: It was in the year 1955. Bombay city was an attraction for job seekers, as it is even today. Some believers belonging to the Indian Pentecostal Church of God in Kerala had come to Bombay in search of jobs. Three friends joined together on a Sunday at the residence of Mr. T.M. Abraham (Karamvelil Avarachan, now living in Canada) in Building No. 1 of Tilak Nagar, Chembur and formed a small prayer fellowship. The group continued to meet regularly on Sundays at the same place and slowly grew in size bringing to its fold people from various Christian denominations who made personal commitment to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and who believed in the Pentecostal experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The prayer fellowship decided to organize itself as a local church of the Indian Pentecostal Church of God and was helped initially by Pastor Kurien Joseph. The first Pastor who was sent from the Headquarters in Kumbanad to minister in the church was Pastor C.J. Mathew in 1956 who had just completed his Bible training and had a vision for North India. He ministered in the church for two years and moved on to other places.

b) Growth: As the membership of the church grew to about 25, it became difficult to continue the worship meeting in the same small room in 1, Tilak Nagar. The service was shifted to a class room of Elizabeth School, Chembur in 1960. The church continued to expand as it became a source of blessing to many young people who came to Bombay to work in offices, factories, hospitals, etc. Many members of the church moved to other parts of the world over the years. (One would be able to meet old members of IPC Chembur in various states of North America and the Gulf countries). At the same time, many more kept coming to its fold, too. The class room became totally inadequate for the purposes of the church as the attendance in the worship meeting exceeded 100. Special meetings had to be held outside the class room in the school compound or in other open grounds. People began earnestly to pray for a new and bigger place of their own.

c) New premises in Chhedanagar, Chembur: A whole hearted effort to collect funds for a hall and parsonage began in 1975. Members pledged to contribute at least one month’s salary to the building fund of the church. Appeals for funds were sent to friends in different parts of the world. Encouraged by the generous response a decision was made in faith to buy a hall and a parsonage in the ground floor of Ballena, a proposed building in Chhedanagar, Chembur although the funds were inadequate at that time. The construction process of the building was very much like an “obstacle race”. We could feel God’s intervention in the matter several times. May His name be glorified. Finally the premises of the church was completed in December 1977 and the hall was inaugurated on Sunday, December 11, 1977 with a worship meeting in the morning and an inaugural function in the evening. The hall has a seating capacity for 250 people. A baptistry is constructed at one end of the hall which, with the cover on, serves also as a platform.

Organization of the church

Management of the affairs of the church is carried out by an elected committee consisting of secretary, treasurer and six other members with the Pastor as the President. The church is registered as a Public Trust with the Government of Maharashtra and a Board of Trustees looks after the management of all moveable and immovable properties and the investments of the church.


a) Worship services on Sundays: The major activity of the church is the worship services on Sundays which provide an opportunity for the members to have Christian fellowship and to worship their Lord together. The service is conducted on the apostolic pattern of the first century, when “on the first day of the week the disciples came together to break bread” (Acts 20:7). It is so organized as to encourage participation from all assembled members, the intention being the spiritual growth of all.

b) Sunday School: The important place that Sunday School has in the spiritual upbringing of the children was recognized from the early days of the church. Children are divided into various classes according to their age groups and a systematic course of study is followed. In addition, there is a Bible study class for adults too.

c) Youth Fellowship: A local unit of the Pentecostal Young Peoples’ Association (PYPA) functions as youth fellowship in the church. Programmes have a variety of items for the young people to develop their talents for the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom.

d) Sisters’ Fellowship: Sisters meet once a week on Fridays for prayer and Bible Study. They visit homes in the neighbourhood and prays for the sick and help the needy ones.

e) Weekly cottage meetings: Members meet for prayer and fellowship in different homes once a week. The meetings provide an opportunity for members to visit different homes which are scattered in different parts of the city.

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