Click the "Play" button on the console to listen to
"Let It Snow".
Wrapper Wrapping
A great way to wrap any kid's present! Simply save all candy wrappers (especially from Halloween!). They make for a creative and hip design when you glue them on a big piece of paper, and wrap whichever way you choose.
Potato Painting
Slice a potato in two and carve a simple holiday design (e.g. tree, bell, candy cane). Then dip the stamp into any paint, and stamp on a sheet of paper.
Au natural
Go back in time by wrapping your gift simply with plain brown paper and tie it with a string or raffia.
Boy Bliss
Give the gift of love to your daughter or little sister by covering her present with pictures of her favorite male celebrities. She'll love it as much as the gift - maybe more!
Crazy Crayons
If you are stuck for time, give your kids (or the ones you baby-sit) a role of paper and a box of crayons. It gives them something to do, and makes for some very original wrapping paper.
Sponge it!
Very similiar to the potateos, cut sponges into various shapes and sizes. Paint them up, and press onto paper.
Is there a neat wrapping technique you use that you'd like to share?
Please send it to