



Welcome to my photo gallery. I thought I might share some of my favorite photos with you. Just click on the "thumbnail" image of the photo below that you want to see full size. Then click on your browser's "Back" button to return to this page to make another selection. You can also go to my art Gallery page or back to my Home page by clicking on either of those buttons on the left.

Toni6Yrs_3in.jpg (40771 bytes)Me at age 6: Here I am in my dad's garden checking out his tomato plants. Don't you just love those sandals? They were bright red with colorful embroidery. I actually remember them! This must have been just before we were going to leave for church because (a) I'm wearing a dress and (b) I'm still clean in this photo. I was somewhat of a "tomboy" in those days.


Sunny_in_cage.jpg (48407 bytes)Sunny waiting for breakfast: This is my little parrot Sunny (you remember him from my Gallery page) waiting for me to bring his gourmet breakfast. This is also his standard pose when he sees me pointing the camera at his cage. Sorry the photos are a bit fuzzy.


Bob_and_Sunny.jpg (40456 bytes)Bob and Sunny:  Ah, the weekend is here. It's bath time for our little feathered buddy. Here is my husband Bob posing with Sunny while I get the water ready. 


Bath Time!  BathTime1_3in.jpg (58129 bytes)Here's Sunny enjoying a splash while Bob assists by holding the tub for him. Sunny really enjoys a good soak as you can see by his wet feathers. When he looks this way I think I might rename him "Spike". He dunks his face in the water and flaps his wings to splash it all over him. Unfortunately, he also splashes whomever is holding the tub. That's why I was the one taking the pictures!


Wait! I forgot to wash behind my ears! *Blub!* We tropical birds can't be too careful about keeping clean, you know.


I'm almost done. Just one more spot, honest! *Blub... Blurp... Glub!* There. I think I got it.


Ah-h-h! That was great! Now all he needs is a fluffy towel and a blow dryer. BathTime3.jpg (54816 bytes)Come to think of it, I suspect Bob was needing a towel, too. He had at least as much water on him as Sunny did. Time now for a little nosh and then a nap. What a life!



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