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The goals of this page are to list all researchers of the Leibenguth / Livengood surname variations, provide links to pages of interest to those researching this surname, collect information pertaining to this surname that may facilitate genealogical research, and present this information so that it can be freely accessed by anyone at any time, from any place.

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Surname meaning and origin:  German literal translation "Lovegood" or "Body and Goods".  The Leibenguth family is of Swiss origin, the earliest records available dating back to 1293.  Records dated 1590 disclosed that our Swiss ancestors formerly resided in Aarwangen, near Langenthal, in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland.  They were German-speaking Lutherans.  In the 17th Century, some of them migrated to German Alsace, where for seventy years they resided, among other places, in the small hamlet of Schalkendorf, twenty-five miles northwest of the City of Strassburg.  In 1680, a great part of Alsace was seized by the French, and in 1689, a vast territory known as the Palatinate was desolated.  In the early 1700s, they left their Fatherland to find safe haven in the Colony of William Penn.  

Arms.jpg (82862 bytes)

Coat of Arms

ArmsHistory.jpg (102073 bytes)

Coat of Arms History


LEIBUNDGUT  A large group of old families of this name is found in Aarwangen and Trachselwald of Canton Bern.  They were burgers at Bern in 1897, from Schoren.  The only individual mentioned is DAMIEN, of Mechnau, who was hung in 1653 for his participation in the Peasant's War ("Bauernkrieg").  Source: Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon, v. 4, p. 648, complete.

For more interesting information on the origins of this name and early European ancestors, consult LES VIEILLES FAMILLES DU SUNDGAU  LES LIEBENGUTLES VIEILLES FAMILLES DU SUNDGAU  LES LIEBENGUT  by Andre Ganter.


Spelling variations:  Leibenguth, Liebenguth, Leibundgut, Levegood, Levergood, Levengood, Livergood, Livingood, Lovinggood, Lovingood and Löwengut.


Surname Researchers   Contact others who are researching your Leibenguth/ Livengood branch.  Find a cousin, fill in those research gaps.

Online Databases   Links to Gedcom files containing the Leibenguth/Livenguth surname.

Leibenguth Family Genealogy Forum  Post and answer specific Leibenguth queries.

Featured Web Site

Levegood and Levergood Family History and Genealogy  Barbara and Alyn Levergood researches Johann Veit Liebenguth and his family probably arrived in Philadelphia, America, on the Ship Halifax on 20 October 1754.  


There are now over 40 Leibenguth (var) researchers registered on this site!!   Check out the Researchers page and discover new cousins!

Coming soon
Land records - Leibenguth Grist Mill
What's new

See page changes by date

Fraktur showing the birth and baptism of Philip, son of Samuel & Rebecca  LIEBENGUTH 

William LIVENGOOD Republican 1938 Victory Ticket - Cambria Co.   

Petition to keep a tavern in a house in Salisbury Pa. Signed by C.C. LIVENGOOD, Jacob LIVENGOOD.

Livengood Tourist Home postcard Grantsville MD postmarked 1937

Photo:  Grace LEIBUNDGUT of Detroit Michigan. 

Hot off the press:  
Livengood: The Last Stampede
by Audrey Parker.

George Leibenguth  
of Lehigh Co. Pa. 1821
Henry Leibengood  
of Westmoreland Co. Pa 1836
William Leibenguth
of Northampton Co. Pa. 1896

Trivia...and other good stuff

Livengood, Alaska - an old gold rush camp, now abandoned located at the start of the Dalton Highway.

1914 - Gold discovered at Livengood, near Fairbanks.

Alaska-Yukon Goldrush Participants: A list of over 24,000 people present at the end of the Alaska/Yukon gold rush including Livengood Jay, Eagle City, miner.

National Weather Service Fairbanks Alaska
1050 AM AST TUE JAN 7 1997 LIVENGOOD...............52 BELOW.

Gold Rush Participants Database: Leibangood, F.  Passenger list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/1898 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/1898.

Our Land.




Sue Bosevich is the coordinator of this surname resource center.

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