[Robinson Cousin Homestead logo]


During the 1830s, several families left their homes in Buncombe County, NC and traveled by wagon along the Wilderness Trail to make a new life in the rough, uncultivated hills of Clay County, KY.

This website is dedicated to the Robinson pioneers who made that journey and to their many descendants of today who are attempting to put together a family tree. By working together, we hope to glean more information and understanding of our ancestors and the challenges they surmounted in order to survive and flourish.

Alternate spellings of the surname (Robertson, Robison, Roberson, etc.) have been used by different branches of the family throughout the years. Despite such variations, it is likely that many of these families that in the area of Clay, Owsley, Jackson, Estill, Madison and surrounding counties in Kentucky are related.

Our goal is to learn more about the later generations of the family as well as to find documentation of the early ones by making contacts with others reseaching the family—the Cousins—and to have fun in the meantime. Difficulty in proving family connections is common for Robinson researchers. Lack of primary documentation is a main obstacle for many of us. The sharing of information helps us to gain better understanding of the family and may lead to breakthroughs in research. It has been a pleasure to get to know one another and swap information and stories.

This website is made possible by Cousins who have shared their research and family information. If you are a Robinson descendant or researcher and would like to add material to this website, we welcome you to join us.

About the new site

The Robinson Cousin Genealogy Pages site — now called the Robinson Cousin Homestead — has undergone extensive redesign changes and has had several pages of information added. To help you navigate the site, here is a summary of what's been done:

  • Books page added for publications that are pertinent or of interest to researchers of the Robinson lines.
  • Message forum added for discussion of Robinson and Robertson family history and genealogy
  • Genealogy pages added, including a seven-generation report on the descendants of Nicholas Robinson along with several reports on other lines with close connections to the Robinsons.
  • Record pages added for deeds, wills, death certificates and other documentation for the family.
  • History pages added to help further an understanding of events that shaped the growth and migrations of our family.
  • A photo album created, with photographs of our ancestors, the places they lived, and their tombstones, along with some pictures of the Robinson Cousins.
  • Cemeteries pages listing known burials of Robinsons and related individuals, as well as an addition of USGS cemetery listings for areas where the Robinsons have lived.
  • The directory for Robinson researchers updated, adding several new Cousins to the list.
  • The links page updated; it includes sites specific to the research of our family as well as some for general genealogical and historical study.






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There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination.

Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.

—Anais Nin  

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Information on this website has been contributed by the Robinson Cousins. For details on lineage and contact information for individual Cousins, see the directory. License is granted to use information on this site for personal research purposes only. Any commercial use of personal information or non-public domain material is prohibited. This site may be freely linked to on a not-for-profit basis. Linking to any of these pages by a fee-based organization is prohibited. Please contact me if you wish to republish or discuss any material contained within this website. Photo of David Robinson farm, Jackson Co., KY and Robinson Cousin Homestead logo copyrighted by
Laura Altevers, 2002