Rich and Lynn

Rich and I met on June 2, 1994.

I had just been seperated from my husband and wasn't interested at all in meeting anyone!!!!

We met at a hotel at a seminar. He was sitting right in front of me at the time, and I didn't even notice him. I left my seat and went to the next aisle, about 5 rows behind him. The man giving the seminar came in and told us that we could not sit next to anyone that we knew, so I moved. Given the fact that there were 300 seats in the room, I chose to go back to the seat I was originally in, only that seat had been taken, so what do I do?? I sit right next to him!!!

We ended up being partners for the whole night and when all was said and done, he invited me out for a cup of coffee!!! (HA!! I don't even drink coffee!!!!)

After a lot of pursuading, I agreed to it so we met at the nearest Dunkin' Donuts.

How could I resist!!!!!!!!!!!

He was so sweet! He asked me what I wanted in my coffee and at that time I had to admit that I didn't drink it and I'd take a hot chocolate instead!!

Anyway, he brought in two pieces of paper, one for my number and one for his!! I never asked him for his but I did give him mine!! We said goodbye and he promised to call me the next night!

Well, he did, and the rest is history!!!!

He likes to tell everyone that I was totally interested in him from the start, which is far from the truth!! I didn't even think twice about it until he asked me out for coffee, and then I didn't even think he was really interested until he called me!!

We've been in love ever since and I thank God everyday for this man He sent me!!

We got engaged on May 19, 1996 and married on July 6, 1996. Talk about rushing!! Everyone thought I was pregnant and so to just get them talking at the wedding, we played Paul Anka's "Having My Baby"!! It got a good laugh!!!

Rich has a daughter, Amanda, from his previous marriage, and I have 2 sons, Jason and Kristopher, from mine. We decided, before we got married, that we would like to have one or two more together. That's the way we became the "Brady Bunch"!!!

We will be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary on July 6th, and in my opinion, I'm just as happy now as I was the day I met him!!


Go back home and check out our kids!! I'm biased, but I think they are all terrific, in their own special way of course!!

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