PIKE COUNTY, GEORGIA CRAWFORDS The children of John Clarke and Sarah Ann were:
John Clarke and Mattie Louisa Bowers b. July 11, 1855 d. Oct 16, 1916 had the following children:
Look under CRAWFORD in the genealogy forum for surnames or check out Pike County in GA on the USGenweb project
Email me atgoldenroots@yahoo.com if you have information to share or connect. Happy Hunting!!
It is known that an early CRAWFORD that settled in Pike County around 1834 was JOSEPH CRAWFORD (born c.1814). He brought with him his wife, Satina (born c.1815) from SC. My CRAWFORD ancestor, Edmund, is also believed to have come from SC and possibly a brother to Joseph.
Edmund CRAWFORD was born about 1818 and married Elizabeth Pryor December 21, 1843 in Pike County, GA. According to the 1850 Mortality Census, Edmund died at the age of 32 in the month of January, and was born in SC. He died in Pike Co., GA. His wife, Elizabeth Pryor was the daughter of William Pryor and Lucy Cross of Pike Co., GA. After the death of Edmund, Elizabeth married James C. Holmes and had more children.
Children of Elizabeth and Edmund Crawford:
1. John Clarke Crawford b. abt 1848 Pike Co., GA d. July 1927 Pike Co., GA
married Sarah Ann Dunn b. Dec, 1849 Crawford Co., GA married on Oct. 4, 1866
Sarah was the daughter of Josee Dunn and Eliza Hancock. Sarah died after 1885 and John Clarke married Mattie Louisa Bowers and then Ella Suggs.
2. Edmund Cobb Crawford b. about 1850 Pike Co., GA d. 1892 Pike Co., GA married Sallie E. Scott
1. Lucy b. 1868 m. Wiley Garrison
2. John D. b. 1870
3. William Joseph b. June 10, 1873 d. August 5, 1952 Randolph Co., GA. m. Annie Lee Snipes
4. Eva Elizabeth b. Oct 1, 1875 d. Aug. 24, 1953. Randolph Co., GA m. Samual Lamontha SAWYER Oct. 16, 1892
(my great-grandparents)
5. Mary E. b. 1879
6. Edmond Robert b. April 1, 1885 d. July 28, 1967 Stewart Co., GA m. Leona Cannington
1. Leon B. b. Oct 18, 1889
2. Ernest L. b. 1891 d. 1918 m. Alma L. Spillers
No children were born to John Clarke CRAWFORD and Ella Suggs.
To see the children of Eva Elizabeth CRAWFORD and Samuel L. Sawyer and the rest of my line, go the the SAWYER page.