School is here! That means lots of after-school activities and rushed meals before heading out. Want to know how to have supper ready to go even before you are? Check out my books "Freezer Cooking for Daycare Providers and Busy Parents" and "25 Souper Soups" available at

My name is Cindy. Staying at home and opening a family child care may be a big decision in your life - it was for me. There wasn't a lot of information available when I was considering daycare as a home-based business.  I hope this site provides you with some information as you consider this very important decision. Daycare can lead to so many neat things - my picture appeared in the Ladies' Home Journal in an article about "What Women Earn", I wrote two cookbooks; one for daycare providers. I have been given the opportunity to teach many daycare classes (ChildNet, Business Basics and Freezer Cooking) and write articles for Redleaf National Institute - the leading daycare advocates - at My e-mail is updated now - use no matter what else you may find elsewhere in these pages!

Find out how I got started at  In the A-Z listings, look under kids, and then "daycare".

I love to be busy and have a hard time saying "no" to things I really enjoy. I am a church organist, I teach piano and violin lessons, love scrapbooking, camping, gardening, writing, freezer cooking, being frugal and a host of other things. I have a wonderful husband and three great children ages 10, 13, and 16.
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Juggling Your Daycare, Your Home, and Yourself - Being Frugal and Other Things
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